Use cases

class datarobot.UseCase

Representation of a Use Case.

  • id (str) – The ID of the Use Case.

  • name (str) – The name of the Use Case.

  • description (str) – The description of the Use Case. Nullable.

  • created_at (str) – The timestamp generated at record creation.

  • created (UseCaseUser) – The user who created the Use Case.

  • updated_at (str) – The timestamp generated when the record was last updated.

  • updated (UseCaseUser) – The most recent user to update the Use Case.

  • models_count (int) – The number of models in a Use Case.

  • projects_count (int) – The number of projects in a Use Case.

  • datasets_count (int) – The number of datasets in a Use Case.

  • notebooks_count (int) – The number of notebooks in a Use Case.

  • applications_count (int) – The number of applications in a Use Case.

  • playgrounds_count (int) – The number of playgrounds in a Use Case.

  • vector_databases_count (int) – The number of vector databases in a Use Case.

  • owners (List[UseCaseUser]) – The most recent user to update the Use Case.

  • members (List[UseCaseUser]) – The most recent user to update the Use Case.


import datarobot
with UseCase.get("2348ac"):
    print(f"The current use case is {dr.Context.use_case}")

url – Permanent static hyperlink to this Use Case.

Return type:


classmethod get(use_case_id)

Gets information about a Use Case.


use_case_id (str) – The identifier of the Use Case you want to load.


use_case – The queried Use Case.

Return type:


classmethod list(search_params=None)

Returns the Use Cases associated with this account.


search_params (dict, optional.) –

If not None, the returned projects are filtered by lookup.


Currently, you can query use cases by:

  • offset - The number of records to skip over. Default 0.

  • limit - The number of records to return in the range from 1 to 100. Default 100.

  • search - Only return Use Cases with names that match the given string.

  • project_id - Only return Use Cases associated with the given project ID.

  • application_id - Only return Use Cases associated with the given app.

  • orderBy - The order to sort the Use Cases.

orderBy queries can use the following options:

  • id or -id

  • name or -name

  • description or -description

  • projects_count or -projects_count

  • datasets_count or -datasets_count

  • notebooks_count or -notebooks_count

  • applications_count or -applications_count

  • created_at or -created_at

  • created_by or -created_by

  • updated_at or -updated_at

  • updated_by or -updated_by


use_cases – Contains a list of Use Cases associated with this user account.

Return type:

list of UseCase instances


TypeError – Raised if search_params parameter is provided, but is not of supported type.

classmethod create(name=None, description=None)

Create a new Use Case.

  • name (str) – Optional. The name of the new Use Case.

  • description (str) – The description of the new Use Case. Optional.


use_case – The created Use Case.

Return type:


classmethod delete(use_case_id)

Delete a Use Case.


use_case_id (str) – The ID of the Use Case to be deleted.

Return type:


update(name=None, description=None)

Update a Use Case’s name or description.

  • name (str) – The updated name of the Use Case.

  • description (str) – The updated description of the Use Case.


use_case – The updated Use Case.

Return type:


add(entity=None, entity_type=None, entity_id=None)

Add an entity (project, dataset, etc.) to a Use Case. Can only accept either an entity or an entity type and entity ID, but not both.

Projects and Applications can only be linked to a single Use Case. Datasets can be linked to multiple Use Cases.

There are some prerequisites for linking Projects to a Use Case which are explained in the user guide.

  • entity (Union[UseCaseReferenceEntity, Project, Dataset, Application]) – An existing entity to be linked to this Use Case. Cannot be used if entity_type and entity_id are passed.

  • entity_type (UseCaseEntityType) – The entity type of the entity to link to this Use Case. Cannot be used if entity is passed.

  • entity_id (str) – The ID of the entity to link to this Use Case. Cannot be used if entity is passed.


use_case_reference_entity – The newly created reference link between this Use Case and the entity.

Return type:


remove(entity=None, entity_type=None, entity_id=None)

Remove an entity from a Use Case. Can only accept either an entity or an entity type and entity ID, but not both.

  • entity (Union[UseCaseReferenceEntity, Project, Dataset, Application]) – An existing entity instance to be removed from a Use Case. Cannot be used if entity_type and entity_id are passed.

  • entity_type (UseCaseEntityType) – The entity type of the entity to link to this Use Case. Cannot be used if entity is passed.

  • entity_id (str) – The ID of the entity to link to this Use Case. Cannot be used if entity is passed.

Return type:



Share this Use Case with or remove access from one or more user(s).


roles (List[SharingRole]) –

A list of SharingRole instances, each of which references a user and a role to be assigned.

Currently, the only supported roles for Use Cases are OWNER, EDITOR, and CONSUMER, and the only supported SHARING_RECIPIENT_TYPE is USER.

To remove access, set a user’s role to datarobot.enums.SHARING_ROLE.NO_ROLE.

Return type:



The SharingRole class is needed in order to share a Use Case with one or more users.

For example, suppose you had a list of user IDs you wanted to share this Use Case with. You could use a loop to generate a list of SharingRole objects for them, and bulk share this Use Case.

>>> from datarobot.models.use_cases.use_case import UseCase
>>> from datarobot.models.sharing import SharingRole
>>> from datarobot.enums import SHARING_ROLE, SHARING_RECIPIENT_TYPE
>>> user_ids = ["60912e09fd1f04e832a575c1", "639ce542862e9b1b1bfa8f1b", "63e185e7cd3a5f8e190c6393"]
>>> sharing_roles = []
>>> for user_id in user_ids:
...     new_sharing_role = SharingRole(
...         role=SHARING_ROLE.CONSUMER,
...         share_recipient_type=SHARING_RECIPIENT_TYPE.USER,
...         id=user_id,
...     )
...     sharing_roles.append(new_sharing_role)
>>> use_case = UseCase.get(use_case_id="5f33f1fd9071ae13568237b2")
>>> use_case.share(roles=sharing_roles)

Similarly, a SharingRole instance can be used to remove a user’s access if the role is set to SHARING_ROLE.NO_ROLE, like in this example:

>>> from datarobot.models.use_cases.use_case import UseCase
>>> from datarobot.models.sharing import SharingRole
>>> from datarobot.enums import SHARING_ROLE, SHARING_RECIPIENT_TYPE
>>> user_to_remove = "[email protected]"
... remove_sharing_role = SharingRole(
...     role=SHARING_ROLE.NO_ROLE,
...     share_recipient_type=SHARING_RECIPIENT_TYPE.USER,
...     username=user_to_remove,
... )
>>> use_case = UseCase.get(use_case_id="5f33f1fd9071ae13568237b2")
>>> use_case.share(roles=[remove_sharing_role])
get_shared_roles(offset=None, limit=None, id=None)

Retrieve access control information for this Use Case.

  • offset (Optional[int]) – The number of records to skip over. Optional. Default is 0.

  • limit (Optional[int]) – The number of records to return. Optional. Default is 100.

  • id (Optional[str]) – Return the access control information for a user with this user ID. Optional.

Return type:



List all projects associated with this Use Case.


projects – All projects associated with this Use Case.

Return type:



List all datasets associated with this Use Case.


datasets – All datasets associated with this Use Case.

Return type:



List all applications associated with this Use Case.


applications – All applications associated with this Use Case.

Return type:


classmethod from_data(data)

Instantiate an object of this class using a dict.


data (dict) – Correctly snake_cased keys and their values.

Return type:

TypeVar(T, bound= APIObject)

classmethod from_server_data(data, keep_attrs=None)

Instantiate an object of this class using the data directly from the server, meaning that the keys may have the wrong camel casing

  • data (dict) – The directly translated dict of JSON from the server. No casing fixes have taken place

  • keep_attrs (iterable) – List, set or tuple of the dotted namespace notations for attributes to keep within the object structure even if their values are None

Return type:

TypeVar(T, bound= APIObject)


Opens class’ relevant web browser location. If default browser is not available the URL is logged.

Note: If text-mode browsers are used, the calling process will block until the user exits the browser.

Return type:


class datarobot.models.use_cases.use_case.UseCaseUser

Representation of a Use Case user.

  • id (str) – The id of the user.

  • full_name (str) – The full name of the user. Optional.

  • email (str) – The email address of the user. Optional.

  • userhash (str) – User’s gravatar hash. Optional.

  • username (str) – The username of the user. Optional.

class datarobot.models.use_cases.use_case.UseCaseReferenceEntity

An entity associated with a Use Case.

  • entity_type (UseCaseEntityType) – The type of the entity.

  • use_case_id (str) – The Use Case this entity is associated with.

  • id (str) – The ID of the entity.

  • created_at (str) – The date and time this entity was linked with the Use Case.

  • is_deleted (bool) – Whether or not the linked entity has been deleted.

  • created (UseCaseUser) – The user who created the link between this entity and the Use Case.