
exception datarobot.errors.AppPlatformError
Raised by Client.request() for requests that:
  • Return a non-200 HTTP response, or

  • Connection refused/timeout or

  • Response timeout or

  • Malformed request

  • Have a malformed/missing header in the response.

exception datarobot.errors.ServerError

For 500-level responses from the server

exception datarobot.errors.ClientError

For 400-level responses from the server has json parameter for additional information to be stored about error if need be

exception datarobot.errors.InputNotUnderstoodError

Raised if a method is called in a way that cannot be understood

exception datarobot.errors.InvalidUsageError

Raised when methods are called with invalid or incompatible arguments

exception datarobot.errors.AllRetriesFailedError

Raised when the retry manager does not successfully make a request

exception datarobot.errors.InvalidModelCategoryError

Raised when method specific for model category was called from wrong model

exception datarobot.errors.AsyncTimeoutError

Raised when an asynchronous operation did not successfully get resolved within a specified time limit

exception datarobot.errors.AsyncFailureError

Raised when querying an asynchronous status resulted in an exceptional status code (not 200 and not 303)

exception datarobot.errors.ProjectAsyncFailureError

When an AsyncFailureError occurs during project creation or finalizing the project settings for modeling. This exception will have the attributes status_code indicating the unexpected status code from the server, and async_location indicating which asynchronous status object was being polled when the failure happened.

exception datarobot.errors.AsyncProcessUnsuccessfulError

Raised when querying an asynchronous status showed that async process was not successful

exception datarobot.errors.AsyncModelCreationError

Raised when querying an asynchronous status showed that model creation was not successful

exception datarobot.errors.AsyncPredictionsGenerationError

Raised when querying an asynchronous status showed that predictions generation was not successful

exception datarobot.errors.PendingJobFinished

Raised when the server responds with a 303 for the pending creation of a resource.

exception datarobot.errors.JobNotFinished

Raised when execution was trying to get a finished resource from a pending job, but the job is not finished

exception datarobot.errors.DuplicateFeaturesError

Raised when trying to create featurelist with duplicating features

exception datarobot.errors.TrainingDataAssignmentError

Raised when the training data assignment for a custom model version fails

exception datarobot.errors.DataRobotDeprecationWarning

Raised when using deprecated functions or using functions in a deprecated way

exception datarobot.errors.IllegalFileName

Raised when trying to use a filename we can’t handle.

exception datarobot.errors.JobAlreadyRequested

Raised when the requested model has already been requested.

exception datarobot.errors.ContentRetrievalTerminatedError

Raised when due to content retrieval error process of data retrieval was terminated.

exception datarobot.errors.UpdateAttributesError
exception datarobot.errors.InvalidRatingTableWarning

Raised when using interacting with rating tables that failed validation

exception datarobot.errors.PartitioningMethodWarning

Raised when interacting with project methods related to partition classes, i.e. Project.set_partitioning_method() or Project.set_datetime_partitioning().

exception datarobot.errors.NonPersistableProjectOptionWarning

Raised when setting project options via Project.set_options if any of the options passed are not supported for POST requests to /api/v2/project/{project_id}/options/. All options that fall under this category can be found here: datarobot.enums.NonPersistableProjectOptions().

exception datarobot.errors.OverwritingProjectOptionWarning

Raised when setting project options via Project.set_options if any of the options passed have already been set to a value in Project.advanced_options, or if a different value is already stored in the endpoint /api/v2/project/{project_id}/options/. Precedence is given to the new value you passed in.

exception datarobot.errors.NoRedundancyImpactAvailable

Raised when retrieving old feature impact data

Redundancy detection was added in v2.13 of the API, and some projects, e.g. multiclass projects do not support redundancy detection. This warning is raised to make clear that redundancy detection is unavailable.

exception datarobot.errors.ParentModelInsightFallbackWarning

Raised when insights are unavailable for a model and insight retrieval falls back to retrieving insights for a model’s parent model

exception datarobot.errors.ProjectHasNoRecommendedModelWarning

Raised when a project has no recommended model.

exception datarobot.errors.PlatformDeprecationWarning

Raised when Deprecation header is returned in the API, for example a project may be deprecated as part of the 2022 Python 3 platform migration.

exception datarobot.errors.MultipleUseCasesNotAllowed

Raised when a method decorated with add_to_use_case(allow_multiple=True) calls a method decorated with add_to_use_case(allow_multiple=False) with multiple UseCases passed