The Modeling section provides information to help you easily navigate the process of building, understanding, and analyzing models.
- Projects
- Models
- Start Training a Model
- List Finished Models
- Retrieve a Known Model
- Retrieve the highest scoring model for a given metric
- Train a Model on a Different Sample Size
- Cross-Validating a Model
- Find the Features Used
- Feature Impact
- Feature Effects
- Predict new data
- Model IDs vs. Blueprint IDs
- Model parameters
- Create a Blender
- Lift chart retrieval
- ROC curve retrieval
- Residuals chart retrieval
- Word Cloud
- Scoring Code
- Get a model blueprint chart
- Get a model missing values report
- Get a blueprint’s documentation
- Request training predictions
- Advanced Tuning
- SHAP Impact
- Number of Iterations Trained
- Blueprints
- Specialized workflows
- Model Insights
- Jobs
- DataRobot Prime
- Model Recommendation