Generative AI
- class, name, llm_blueprint_id, is_frozen, creation_date, creation_user_id, prompts_count, warning=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI chat.
- Attributes:
- idstr
The chat ID.
- namestr
The chat name.
- llm_blueprint_idstr
The ID of the LLM blueprint associated with the chat.
- is_frozenbool
Checks whether the chat is frozen. Prompts cannot be submitted to frozen chats.
- creation_datestr
The date when the chat was created.
- creation_user_idstr
The ID of the creating user.
- warningstr or None, optional
The warning about the contents of the chat.
- prompts_countint
The number of chat prompts in the chat.
- classmethod create(name, llm_blueprint)
Creates a new chat.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The chat name.
- llm_blueprintLLMBlueprint or str
The LLM blueprint associated with the created chat, either LLM blueprint or ID.
- Returns:
- chatChat
The created chat.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(chat)
Retrieve a single chat.
- Parameters:
- chatChat or str
The chat you want to retrieve. Accepts chat or chat ID.
- Returns:
- chatChat
The requested chat.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(llm_blueprint=None, sort=None)
List all chats available to the user. If the LLM blueprint is specified, results are restricted to only those chats associated with the LLM blueprint.
- Parameters:
- llm_blueprintOptional[Union[LLMBlueprint, str]], optional
Returns only those chats associated with a particular LLM blueprint, specified by either the entity or the ID.
- sortstr, optional
The property to sort chats by. Prefix the attribute name with a dash ( - ) to sort responses in descending order, (for example, ‘-name’). Supported options are listed in ListChatsSortQueryParams, but the values can differ depending on platform version. The default sort parameter is None, which results in chats returning in order of creation time, descending.
- Returns:
- chatslist[Chat]
Returns a list of chats.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the single chat.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.chat_prompt.ChatPrompt(id, text, llm_blueprint_id, llm_id, creation_date, creation_user_id, citations, execution_status, llm_settings=None, vector_database_id=None, vector_database_settings=None, result_metadata=None, result_text=None, confidence_scores=None, chat_id=None, chat_context_id=None, chat_prompt_ids_included_in_history=None, metadata_filter=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI chat prompt.
- Attributes:
- idstr
Chat prompt ID.
- textstr
The prompt text.
- llm_blueprint_idstr
ID of the LLM blueprint associated with the chat prompt.
- llm_idstr
ID of the LLM type. This must be one of the IDs returned by LLMDefinition.list for this user.
- llm_settingsdict or None
The LLM settings for the LLM blueprint. The specific keys allowed and the constraints on the values are defined in the response from LLMDefinition.list, but this typically has dict fields. Either: - system_prompt - The system prompt that influences the LLM responses. - max_completion_length - The maximum number of tokens in the completion. - temperature - Controls the variability in the LLM response. - top_p - Sets whether the model considers next tokens with top_p probability mass. or - system_prompt - The system prompt that influences the LLM responses. - validation_id - The ID of the external model LLM validation. - external_llm_context_size - The external LLM’s context size, in tokens, for external model-based LLM blueprints.
- creation_datestr
The date the chat prompt was created.
- creation_user_idstr
ID of the creating user.
- vector_database_idstr or None
ID of the vector database associated with the LLM blueprint, if any.
- vector_database_settingsVectorDatabaseSettings or None
The settings for the vector database associated with the LLM blueprint, if any.
- result_metadataResultMetadata or None
Metadata for the result of the chat prompt submission.
- result_text: str or None
The result text from the chat prompt submission.
- confidence_scores: ConfidenceScores or None
The confidence scores if there is a vector database associated with the chat prompt.
- citations: list[Citation]
List of citations from text retrieved from the vector database, if any.
- execution_status: str
The execution status of the chat prompt.
- chat_id: Optional[str]
ID of the chat associated with the chat prompt.
- chat_context_id: Optional[str]
The ID of the chat context for the chat prompt.
- chat_prompt_ids_included_in_history: Optional[list[str]]
The IDs of the chat prompts included in the chat history for this chat prompt.
- metadata_filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any] | None]
The metadata filter for the chat prompt.
- classmethod create(text, llm_blueprint=None, chat=None, llm=None, llm_settings=None, vector_database=None, vector_database_settings=None, wait_for_completion=False, metadata_filter=None)
Create a new ChatPrompt. This submits the prompt text to the LLM. Either llm_blueprint or chat is required.
- Parameters:
- textstr
The prompt text.
- llm_blueprintLLMBlueprint or str or None, optional
The LLM blueprint associated with the created chat prompt, either LLMBlueprint or LLM blueprint ID.
- chatChat or str or None, optional
The chat associated with the created chat prompt, either Chat or chat ID.
- llmLLMDefinition, str, or None, optional
The LLM to use for the chat prompt, either LLMDefinition or LLM blueprint ID.
- llm_settings: dict or None
LLM settings to use for the chat prompt. The specific keys allowed and the constraints on the values are defined in the response from LLMDefinition.list but this typically has dict fields: - system_prompt - The system prompt that tells the LLM how to behave. - max_completion_length - The maximum number of tokens in the completion. - temperature - Controls the variability in the LLM response. - top_p - Whether the model considers next tokens with top_p probability mass. Or - system_prompt - The system prompt that tells the LLM how to behave. - validation_id - The ID of the custom model LLM validation for custom model LLM blueprints.
- vector_database: VectorDatabase, str, or None, optional
The vector database to use with this chat prompt submission, either VectorDatabase or vector database ID.
- vector_database_settings: VectorDatabaseSettings or None, optional
Settings for the vector database, if any.
- wait_for_completionbool
If set to True, chat prompt result response limit is up to 10 minutes, raising a timeout error after that. Otherwise, check current status by using ChatPrompt.get with returned ID.
- metadata_filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any] | None]
The metadata filter for the chat prompt.
- Returns:
- chat_promptChatPrompt
The created chat prompt.
- Return type:
- update(custom_metrics=None, feedback_metadata=None)
Update the chat prompt.
- Parameters:
- custom_metricsOptional[list[MetricMetadata]], optional
The new custom metrics to add to the chat prompt.
- feedback_metadata: Optional[FeedbackMetadata], optional
The new feedback to add to the chat prompt.
- Returns:
- chat_promptChatPrompt
The updated chat prompt.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(chat_prompt)
Retrieve a single chat prompt.
- Parameters:
- chat_promptChatPrompt or str
The chat prompt you want to retrieve, either ChatPrompt or chat prompt ID.
- Returns:
- chat_promptChatPrompt
The requested chat prompt.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(llm_blueprint=None, playground=None, chat=None)
List all chat prompts available to the user. If the llm_blueprint, playground, or chat is specified then the results are restricted to the chat prompts associated with that entity.
- Parameters:
- llm_blueprintOptional[Union[LLMBlueprint, str]], optional
The returned chat prompts are filtered to those associated with a specific LLM blueprint if it is specified. Accepts either LLMBlueprint or LLM blueprint ID.
- playgroundOptional[Union[Playground, str]], optional
The returned chat prompts are filtered to those associated with a specific playground if it is specified. Accepts either Playground or playground ID.
- chatOptional[Union[Chat, str]], optional
The returned chat prompts are filtered to those associated with a specific chat if it is specified. Accepts either Chat or chat ID.
- Returns:
- chat_promptslist[ChatPrompt]
A list of chat prompts available to the user.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the single chat prompt.
- Return type:
- create_llm_blueprint(name, description='')
Create a new LLM blueprint from an existing chat prompt.
- Parameters:
- namestr
LLM blueprint name.
- descriptionstr, optional
Description of the LLM blueprint, by default “”.
- Returns:
- llm_blueprintLLMBlueprint
The created LLM blueprint.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.comparison_chat.ComparisonChat(id, name, playground_id, creation_date, creation_user_id)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI comparison chat.
- Attributes:
- idstr
The comparison chat ID.
- namestr
The comparison chat name.
- playground_idstr
The ID of the playground associated with the comparison chat.
- creation_datestr
The date when the comparison chat was created.
- creation_user_idstr
The ID of the creating user.
- classmethod create(name, playground)
Creates a new comparison chat.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The comparison chat name.
- playgroundPlayground or str
The playground associated with the created comparison chat, either Playground or playground ID.
- Returns:
- comparison_chatComparisonChat
The created comparison chat.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(comparison_chat)
Retrieve a single comparison chat.
- Parameters:
- comparison_chatComparisonChat or str
The comparison chat you want to retrieve. Accepts ComparisonChat or comparison chat ID.
- Returns:
- comparison_chatComparisonChat
The requested comparison chat.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(playground=None, sort=None)
List all comparison chats available to the user. If the playground is specified, results are restricted to only those comparison chats associated with the playground.
- Parameters:
- playgroundOptional[Union[Playground, str]], optional
Returns only those comparison chats associated with a particular playground, specified by either the Playground or the playground ID.
- sortstr, optional
The property to sort comparison chats by. Prefix the attribute name with a dash ( - ) to sort responses in descending order, (for example, ‘-name’). Supported options are listed in ListComparisonChatsSortQueryParams, but the values can differ depending on platform version. The default sort parameter is None, which results in comparison chats returning in order of creation time, descending.
- Returns:
- comparison_chatslist[ComparisonChat]
Returns a list of comparison chats.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the single comparison chat.
- Return type:
- update(name)
Update the comparison chat.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The new name for the comparison chat.
- Returns:
- comparison_chatComparisonChat
The updated comparison chat.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.comparison_prompt.ComparisonPrompt(id, text, results, creation_date, creation_user_id, comparison_chat_id=None, metadata_filter=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI comparison prompt.
- Attributes:
- idstr
Comparison prompt ID.
- textstr
The prompt text.
- resultslist[ComparisonPromptResult]
The list of results for individual LLM blueprints that are part of the comparison prompt.
- creation_datestr
The date when the playground was created.
- creation_user_idstr
ID of the creating user.
- comparison_chat_idstr
The ID of the comparison chat this comparison prompt is associated with.
- metadata_filter: Optional[Dict[str, Any] | None]
The metadata filter for the chat prompt.
- update(additional_llm_blueprints=None, wait_for_completion=False, feedback_result=None, **kwargs)
Update the comparison prompt.
- Parameters:
- additional_llm_blueprintslist[LLMBlueprint or str]
The additional LLM blueprints you want to submit the comparison prompt.
- Returns:
- comparison_promptComparisonPrompt
The updated comparison prompt.
- Return type:
- classmethod create(llm_blueprints, text, comparison_chat=None, wait_for_completion=False)
Create a new ComparisonPrompt. This submits the prompt text to the LLM blueprints that are specified.
- Parameters:
- llm_blueprintslist[LLMBlueprint or str]
The LLM blueprints associated with the created comparison prompt. Accepts LLM blueprints or IDs.
- textstr
The prompt text.
- comparison_chat: Optional[ComparisonChat or str], optional
The comparison chat to add the comparison prompt to. Accepts ComparisonChat or comparison chat ID.
- wait_for_completionbool
If set to True code will wait for the chat prompt job to complete before returning the result (up to 10 minutes, raising timeout error after that). Otherwise, you can check current status by using ChatPrompt.get with returned ID.
- Returns:
- comparison_promptComparisonPrompt
The created comparison prompt.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(comparison_prompt)
Retrieve a single comparison prompt.
- Parameters:
- comparison_promptstr
The comparison prompt you want to retrieve. Accepts entity or ID.
- Returns:
- comparison_promptComparisonPrompt
The requested comparison prompt.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(llm_blueprints=None, comparison_chat=None)
List all comparison prompts available to the user that include the specified LLM blueprints or from the specified comparison chat.
- Parameters:
- llm_blueprintsOptional[List[Union[LLMBlueprint, str]]], optional
The returned comparison prompts are only those associated with the specified LLM blueprints. Accepts either LLMBlueprint or LLM blueprint ID.
- comparison_chatOptional[Union[ComparisonChat, str]], optional
The returned comparison prompts are only those associated with the specified comparison chat. Accepts either ComparisonChat or comparison chat ID.
- Returns:
- comparison_promptslist[ComparisonPrompt]
A list of comparison prompts available to the user that use the specified LLM blueprints.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the single comparison prompt.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.custom_model_validation.CustomModelValidation(id, prompt_column_name, target_column_name, deployment_id, model_id, validation_status, deployment_access_data, tenant_id, name, creation_date, user_id, error_message, deployment_name, user_name, use_case_id, prediction_timeout)
Validation record checking the ability of the deployment to serve as a custom model LLM or vector database.
- Attributes:
- prompt_column_namestr
The column name that the deployed model expects as the input.
- target_column_namestr
The target name that the deployed model will output.
- deployment_idstr
ID of the deployment.
- model_idstr
ID of the underlying deployment model. Can be found from the API as Deployment.model[“id”].
- validation_statusstr
Can be TESTING, FAILED, or PASSED. Only PASSED is allowed for use.
- deployment_access_datadict, optional
Data that will be used for accessing deployment prediction server. Only available for deployments that pass validation. Dict fields: - prediction_api_url - URL for deployment prediction server. - datarobot_key - First of two auth headers for the prediction server. - authorization_header - Second of two auth headers for the prediction server. - input_type - Either JSON or CSV - input type model expects. - model_type - Target type of deployed custom model.
- tenant_idstr
Creating user’s tenant ID.
- error_messageOptional[str]
Additional information for errored validation.
- deployment_nameOptional[str]
The name of the deployment that is validated.
- user_nameOptional[str]
The name of the user
- use_case_idOptional[str]
The ID of the Use Case associated with the validation.
- prediction_timeout: int
The timeout, in seconds, for the prediction API used in this custom model validation.
- classmethod get(validation_id)
Get the validation record by id.
- Parameters:
- validation_idUnion[CustomModelValidation, str]
The CustomModelValidation to retrieve, either CustomModelValidation or validation ID.
- Returns:
- CustomModelValidation
- Return type:
- classmethod get_by_values(prompt_column_name, target_column_name, deployment_id, model_id)
Get the validation record by field values.
- Parameters:
- prompt_column_namestr
The column name the deployed model expect as the input.
- target_column_namestr
The target name deployed model will output.
- deployment_idstr
ID of the deployment.
- model_idstr
ID of the underlying deployment model.
- Returns:
- CustomModelValidation
- Return type:
- classmethod list(prompt_column_name=None, target_column_name=None, deployment=None, model=None, use_cases=None, playground=None, completed_only=False, search=None, sort=None)
List the validation records by field values.
- Parameters:
- prompt_column_nameOptional[str], optional
The column name the deployed model expects as the input.
- target_column_nameOptional[str], optional
The target name that the deployed model will output.
- deploymentOptional[Union[Deployment, str]], optional
The returned validations are filtered to those associated with a specific deployment if specified, either Deployment or deployment ID.
- model_idOptional[Union[Model, str]], optional
The returned validations are filtered to those associated with a specific model if specified, either Model or model ID.
- use_casesOptional[list[Union[UseCase, str]]], optional
The returned validations are filtered to those associated with specific Use Cases if specified, either UseCase or Use Case IDs.
- playground_idOptional[Union[Playground, str]], optional
The returned validations are filtered to those used in a specific playground if specified, either Playground or playground ID.
- completed_onlybool, optional
Whether to retrieve only completed validations.
- searchOptional[str], optional
String for filtering validations. Validations that contain the string in name will be returned.
- sortOptional[str], optional
Property to sort validations by. Prefix the attribute name with a dash to sort in descending order, e.g. sort=’-name’. Currently supported options are listed in ListCustomModelValidationsSortQueryParams but the values can differ with different platform versions. By default, the sort parameter is None which will result in validations being returned in order of creation time descending.
- Returns:
- List[CustomModelValidation]
- Return type:
- classmethod create(prompt_column_name, target_column_name, deployment_id, model=None, use_case=None, name=None, wait_for_completion=False, prediction_timeout=None)
Start the validation of deployment to serve as a vector database or LLM.
- Parameters:
- prompt_column_namestr
The column name the deployed model expect as the input.
- target_column_namestr
The target name that the deployed model will output.
- deployment_idUnion[Deployment, str]
The deployment to validate, either Deployment or deployment ID.
- modelOptional[Union[Model, str]], optional
The specific model within the deployment, either Model or model ID. If not specified, the underlying model ID will be derived from the deployment info automatically.
- use_caseOptional[Union[UseCase, str]], optional
The Use Case to link the validation to, either UseCase or Use Case ID.
- nameOptional[str], optional
The name of the validation.
- wait_for_completionbool
If set to True code will wait for the validation job to complete before returning the result (up to 10 minutes, raising timeout error after that). Otherwise, you can check current validation status by using CustomModelValidation.get with returned ID.
- prediction_timeoutOptional[int], optional
The timeout, in seconds, for the prediction API used in this custom model validation.
- Returns:
- CustomModelValidation
- Return type:
- classmethod revalidate(validation_id)
Revalidate an unlinked custom model vector database or LLM. This method is useful when a deployment used as vector database or LLM is accidentally replaced with another model that stopped complying with the vector database or LLM requirements. Replace the model back and call this method instead of creating a new custom model validation from scratch. Another use case for this is when the API token used to create a validation record got revoked and no longer can be used by vector database / LLM to call custom model deployment. Calling revalidate will update the validation record with the token currently in use.
- Parameters:
- validation_idstr
The ID of the CustomModelValidation for revalidation.
- Returns:
- CustomModelValidation
- Return type:
- update(name=None, prompt_column_name=None, target_column_name=None, deployment=None, model=None, prediction_timeout=None)
Update a custom model validation.
- Parameters:
- nameOptional[str], optional
The new name of the custom model validation.
- prompt_column_nameOptional[str], optional
The new name of the prompt column.
- target_column_nameOptional[str], optional
The new name of the target column.
- deploymentOptional[Union[Deployment, str]], optional
The new deployment to validate.
- modelOptional[Union[Model, str]], optional
The new model within the deployment to validate.
- prediction_timeoutOptional[int], optional
The new timeout, in seconds, for the prediction API used in this custom model validation.
- Returns:
- CustomModelValidation
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the custom model validation.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.custom_model_llm_validation.CustomModelLLMValidation(id, prompt_column_name, target_column_name, deployment_id, model_id, validation_status, deployment_access_data, tenant_id, name, creation_date, user_id, error_message, deployment_name, user_name, use_case_id, prediction_timeout)
Validation record checking the ability of the deployment to serve as a custom model LLM.
- Attributes:
- prompt_column_namestr
The column name the deployed model expect as the input.
- target_column_namestr
The target name that the deployed model will output.
- deployment_idstr
ID of the deployment.
- model_idstr
ID of the underlying deployment model. Can be found from the API as Deployment.model[“id”].
- validation_statusstr
Can be TESTING, FAILED, or PASSED. Only PASSED is allowed for use.
- deployment_access_datadict, optional
Data that will be used for accessing deployment prediction server. Only available for deployments that passed validation. Dict fields: - prediction_api_url - URL for deployment prediction server. - datarobot_key - first of 2 auth headers for the prediction server. - authorization_header - second of 2 auth headers for the prediction server. - input_type - Either JSON or CSV - the input type that the model expects. - model_type - Target type of the deployed custom model.
- tenant_idstr
Creating user’s tenant ID.
- error_messageOptional[str]
Additional information for errored validation.
- deployment_nameOptional[str]
The name of the deployment that is validated.
- user_nameOptional[str]
The name of the user
- use_case_idOptional[str]
The ID of the Use Case associated with the validation.
- prediction_timeout: int
The timeout in seconds for the prediction API used in this custom model validation.
- class datarobot.models.genai.vector_database.CustomModelVectorDatabaseValidation(id, prompt_column_name, target_column_name, deployment_id, model_id, validation_status, deployment_access_data, tenant_id, name, creation_date, user_id, error_message, deployment_name, user_name, use_case_id, prediction_timeout)
Validation record checking the ability of the deployment to serve as a vector database.
- Attributes:
- prompt_column_namestr
The column name the deployed model expect as the input.
- target_column_namestr
The target name deployed model will output.
- deployment_idstr
ID of the deployment.
- model_idstr
ID of the underlying deployment model. Can be found from the API as Deployment.model[“id”].
- validation_statusstr
Can be TESTING, FAILED and PASSED. Only PASSED allowed for use.
- deployment_access_datadict, optional
Data that will be used for accessing deployment prediction server. Only available for deployments that passed validation. Dict fields: - prediction_api_url - URL for deployment prediction server. - datarobot_key - first of 2 auth headers for prediction server. - authorization_header - second of 2 auth headers for prediction server. - input_type - Either JSON or CSV - input type model expects. - model_type - Target type of deployed custom model.
- tenant_idstr
Creating user’s tenant ID.
- error_messageOptional[str]
Additional information for errored validation.
- deployment_nameOptional[str]
The name of the deployment that is validated.
- user_nameOptional[str]
The name of the user
- use_case_idOptional[str]
The ID of the use case associated with the validation.
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_blueprint.LLMBlueprint(id, name, description, is_saved, is_starred, playground_id, creation_date, creation_user_id, creation_user_name, last_update_date, last_update_user_id, prompt_type, llm_id=None, llm_name=None, llm_settings=None, vector_database_id=None, vector_database_settings=None, vector_database_name=None, vector_database_status=None, vector_database_error_message=None, vector_database_error_resolution=None, custom_model_llm_validation_status=None, custom_model_llm_error_message=None, custom_model_llm_error_resolution=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI LLM blueprint.
- Attributes:
- idstr
The LLM blueprint ID.
- namestr
The LLM blueprint name.
- descriptionstr
A description of the LLM blueprint.
- is_savedbool
Whether the LLM blueprint is saved (meaning the settings are locked and blueprint is eligible for use with ComparisonPrompts).
- is_starredbool
Whether the LLM blueprint is starred.
- playground_idstr
The ID of the playground associated with the LLM blueprint.
- llm_idstr or None
The ID of the LLM type. If not None, this must be one of the IDs returned by LLMDefinition.list for this user.
- llm_namestr or None
The name of the LLM.
- llm_settingsdict or None
The LLM settings for the LLM blueprint. The specific keys allowed and the constraints on the values are defined in the response from LLMDefinition.list but this typically has dict fields: - system_prompt - The system prompt that tells the LLM how to behave. - max_completion_length - The maximum number of tokens in the completion. - temperature - Controls the variability in the LLM response. - top_p - Whether the model considers next tokens with top_p probability mass. Or - system_prompt - The system prompt that tells the LLM how to behave. - validation_id - The ID of the external model LLM validation. - external_llm_context_size - The external LLM’s context size, in tokens, for external model LLM blueprints.
- creation_datestr
The date the playground was created.
- creation_user_idstr
The ID of the user creating the playground.
- creation_user_namestr
The name of the user creating the playground.
- last_update_datestr
The date the playground was last updated.
- last_update_user_idstr
The ID of the user who most recently updated the playground.
- prompt_typePromptType
The prompting strategy for the LLM blueprint. Currently supported options are listed in PromptType.
- vector_database_idstr or None
The ID of the vector database, if any, associated with the LLM blueprint.
- vector_database_settingsVectorDatabaseSettings or None
The settings for the vector database, if any, associated with the LLM blueprint.
- vector_database_namestr or None
The name of the vector database associated with the LLM blueprint, if any.
- vector_database_statusstr or None
The status of the vector database, if any, associated with the LLM blueprint.
- vector_database_error_messagestr or None
The error message for the vector database, if any, associated with the LLM blueprint.
- vector_database_error_resolutionstr or None
The resolution for the vector database error, if any, associated with the LLM blueprint.
- custom_model_llm_validation_statusstr or None
The status of the custom model LLM validation if the llm_id is ‘custom-model’.
- custom_model_llm_error_messagestr or None
The error message for the custom model LLM, if any.
- custom_model_llm_error_resolutionstr or None
The resolution for the custom model LLM error, if any.
- classmethod create(playground, name, prompt_type=PromptType.CHAT_HISTORY_AWARE, description='', llm=None, llm_settings=None, vector_database=None, vector_database_settings=None)
Create a new LLM blueprint.
- Parameters:
- playgroundPlayground or str
The playground associated with the created LLM blueprint. Accepts playground or playground ID.
- namestr
The LLM blueprint name.
- prompt_typePromptType, optional
Prompting type of the LLM blueprint, by default PromptType.CHAT_HISTORY_AWARE.
- descriptionstr, optional
An optional description for the LLM blueprint, otherwise null.
- llmLLMDefinition, str, or None, optional
The LLM to use for the blueprint, either LLMDefinition or LLM ID.
- llm_settingsdict or None
The LLM settings for the LLM blueprint. The specific keys allowed and the constraints on the values are defined in the response from LLMDefinition.list but this typically has dict fields: - system_prompt - The system prompt that tells the LLM how to behave. - max_completion_length - The maximum number of tokens in the completion. - temperature - Controls the variability in the LLM response. - top_p - Whether the model considers next tokens with top_p probability mass. Or - system_prompt - The system prompt that tells the LLM how to behave. - validation_id - The ID of the custom model LLM validation for custom model LLM blueprints.
- vector_database: VectorDatabase, str, or None, optional
The vector database to use with this LLM blueprint, either VectorDatabase or vector database ID.
- vector_database_settings: VectorDatabaseSettings or None, optional
The settings for the vector database, if any.
- Returns:
- llm_blueprintLLMBlueprint
The created LLM blueprint.
- Return type:
- classmethod create_from_llm_blueprint(llm_blueprint, name, description='')
Create a new LLM blueprint from an existing LLM blueprint.
- Parameters:
- llm_blueprintLLMBlueprint or str
The LLM blueprint to use to create the new LLM blueprint. Accepts LLM blueprint or LLM blueprint ID.
- namestr
LLM blueprint name.
- descriptionstr, optional
Description of the LLM blueprint, by default “”.
- Returns:
- llm_blueprintLLMBlueprint
The created LLM blueprint.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(llm_blueprint_id)
Retrieve a single LLM blueprint.
- Parameters:
- llm_blueprint_idstr
The ID of the LLM blueprint you want to retrieve.
- Returns:
- llm_blueprintLLMBlueprint
The requested LLM blueprint.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(playground=None, llms=None, vector_databases=None, is_saved=None, is_starred=None, sort=None)
Lists all LLM blueprints available to the user. If the playground is specified, then the results are restricted to the LLM blueprints associated with the playground. If the LLMs are specified, then the results are restricted to the LLM blueprints using those LLM types. If vector_databases are specified, then the results are restricted to the LLM blueprints using those vector databases.
- Parameters:
- playgroundOptional[Union[Playground, str]], optional
The returned LLM blueprints are filtered to those associated with a specific playground if it is specified. Accepts either the entity or the ID.
- llmsOptional[list[Union[LLMDefinition, str]]], optional
The returned LLM blueprints are filtered to those associated with the LLM types specified. Accepts either the entity or the ID.
- vector_databasesOptional[list[Union[VectorDatabase, str]]], optional
The returned LLM blueprints are filtered to those associated with the vector databases specified. Accepts either the entity or the ID.
- is_saved: Optional[bool], optional
The returned LLM blueprints are filtered to those matching is_saved.
- is_starred: Optional[bool], optional
The returned LLM blueprints are filtered to those matching is_starred.
- sortstr, optional
Property to sort LLM blueprints by. Prefix the attribute name with a dash to sort in descending order, e.g. sort=’-creationDate’. Currently supported options are listed in ListLLMBlueprintsSortQueryParams but the values can differ with different platform versions. By default, the sort parameter is None which will result in LLM blueprints being returned in order of creation time descending.
- Returns:
- playgroundslist[Playground]
A list of playgrounds available to the user.
- Return type:
- update(name=None, description=None, llm=None, llm_settings=None, vector_database=None, vector_database_settings=None, is_saved=None, is_starred=None, prompt_type=None, remove_vector_database=False)
Update the LLM blueprint.
- Parameters:
- namestr or None, optional
The new name for the LLM blueprint.
- description: str or None, optional
The new description for the LLM blueprint.
- llm: Optional[Union[LLMDefinition, str]], optional
The new LLM type for the LLM blueprint.
- llm_settings: Optional[dict], optional
The new LLM settings for the LLM blueprint. These must match the LLMSettings returned from the LLMDefinition.list method for the LLM type used for this LLM blueprint but this typically has dict fields: - system_prompt - The system prompt that tells the LLM how to behave. - max_completion_length - The maximum number of tokens in the completion. - temperature - Controls the variability in the LLM response. - top_p - Whether the model considers next tokens with top_p probability mass. Or - system_prompt - The system prompt that tells the LLM how to behave. - validation_id - The ID of the custom model LLM validation for custom model LLM blueprints.
- vector_database: Optional[Union[VectorDatabase, str]], optional
The new vector database for the LLM blueprint.
- vector_database_settings: Optional[VectorDatabaseSettings], optional
The new vector database settings for the LLM blueprint.
- is_saved: Optional[bool], optional
The new is_saved attribute for the LLM blueprint (meaning the settings are locked and blueprint is eligible for use with ComparisonPrompts).
- is_starred: Optional[bool], optional
The new setting for whether the LLM blueprint is starred.
- prompt_typePromptType, optional
The new prompting type of the LLM blueprint.
- remove_vector_database: Optional[bool], optional
Whether to remove the vector database from the LLM blueprint.
- Returns:
- llm_blueprintLLMBlueprint
The updated LLM blueprint.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the single LLM blueprint.
- Return type:
- register_custom_model(prompt_column_name=None, target_column_name=None, llm_test_configuration_ids=None)
Create a new CustomModelVersion. This registers a custom model from the LLM blueprint.
- Parameters:
- prompt_column_namestr, optional
The column name of the prompt text.
- target_column_namestr, optional
The column name of the response text.
- llm_test_configuration_idsList[str], optional
The IDs of the LLM test configurations to execute.
- Returns:
- custom_modelCustomModelVersion
The registered custom model.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm.LLMDefinition(id, name, description, vendor, license, supported_languages, settings, context_size=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI LLM.
- Attributes:
- idstr
Language model type ID.
- namestr
Language model name.
- descriptionstr
Description of the language model.
- vendorstr
Name of the vendor for this model.
- licensestr
License for this model.
- supported_languagesstr
Languages supported by this model.
- settingslist of LLMSettingDefinition
Settings for this model
- context_sizeint
The context size for this model
- classmethod list(use_case=None, as_dict=True)
List all large language models (LLMs) available to the user.
- Parameters:
- use_caseOptional[UseCase or str], optional
The returned LLMs, including external LLMs, available for the specified Use Case. Accepts either the entity or the Use CaseID.
- Returns:
- llmslist[LLMDefinition] or list[LLMDefinitionDict]
A list of large language models (LLMs) available to the user.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm.LLMDefinitionDict(*args, **kwargs)
- class datarobot.models.genai.playground.Playground(id, name, description, use_case_id, creation_date, creation_user_id, last_update_date, last_update_user_id, saved_llm_blueprints_count, llm_blueprints_count, user_name)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI playground.
- Attributes:
- idstr
Playground ID.
- namestr
Playground name.
- descriptionstr
Description of the playground.
- use_case_idstr
Linked use case ID.
- creation_datestr
The date when the playground was created.
- creation_user_idstr
ID of the creating user.
- last_update_datestr
Date when the playground was most recently updated.
- last_update_user_idstr
ID of the user who most recently updated the playground.
- saved_llm_blueprints_countint
Number of saved LLM blueprints in the playground.
- llm_blueprints_countint
Number of LLM blueprints in the playground.
- user_namestr
The name of the user who created the playground.
- classmethod create(name, description='', use_case=None, copy_insights=None)
Create a new playground.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Playground name.
- descriptionstr, optional
Description of the playground, by default “”.
- use_caseOptional[Union[UseCase, str]], optional
Use case to link to the created playground.
- copy_insights: CopyInsightsRequest, optional
If present, copies insights from the source playground to the created playground.
- Returns:
- playgroundPlayground
The created playground.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(playground_id)
Retrieve a single playground.
- Parameters:
- playground_idstr
The ID of the playground you want to retrieve.
- Returns:
- playgroundPlayground
The requested playground.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(use_case=None, search=None, sort=None)
List all playgrounds available to the user. If the use_case is specified or can be inferred from the Context then the results are restricted to the playgrounds associated with the UseCase.
- Parameters:
- use_caseOptional[UseCaseLike], optional
The returned playgrounds are filtered to those associated with a specific Use Case or Cases if specified or can be inferred from the Context. Accepts either the entity or the ID.
- searchstr, optional
String for filtering playgrounds. Playgrounds that contain the string in name will be returned. If not specified, all playgrounds will be returned.
- sortstr, optional
Property to sort playgrounds by. Prefix the attribute name with a dash to sort in descending order, e.g. sort=’-creationDate’. Currently supported options are listed in ListPlaygroundsSortQueryParams but the values can differ with different platform versions. By default, the sort parameter is None which will result in playgrounds being returned in order of creation time descending.
- Returns:
- playgroundslist[Playground]
A list of playgrounds available to the user.
- Return type:
- update(name=None, description=None)
Update the playground.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The new name for the playground.
- description: str
The new description for the playground.
- Returns:
- playgroundPlayground
The updated playground.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the playground.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.enums.PromptType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
Supported LLM blueprint prompting types.
- class datarobot.models.genai.vector_database.SupportedEmbeddings(embedding_models, default_embedding_model, custom_model_embedding_validations)
All supported embedding models including the recommended default model.
- Attributes:
- embedding_modelslist[EmbeddingModel]
All supported embedding models.
- default_embedding_modelstr
Name of the default recommended text embedding model. Currently supported options are listed in VectorDatabaseEmbeddingModel but the values can differ with different platform versions.
- custom_model_embedding_validationsList[str]
External embedding models that have been validated
- class datarobot.models.genai.vector_database.SupportedTextChunkings(text_chunking_configs)
Supported text chunking configurations which includes a set of recommended chunking parameters for each supported embedding model.
- Attributes:
- text_chunking_configs
All supported text chunking configurations.
- class datarobot.models.genai.user_limits.UserLimits(counter)
Counts for user limits for LLM APIs and vector databases.
- classmethod get_vector_database_count()
Get the count of vector databases for the user.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.vector_database.VectorDatabase(id, name, size, use_case_id, dataset_id, embedding_model, chunking_method, chunk_size, chunk_overlap_percentage, chunks_count, custom_chunking, separators, creation_date, creation_user_id, organization_id, tenant_id, last_update_date, execution_status, playgrounds_count, dataset_name, user_name, source, validation_id, error_message, is_separator_regex, embedding_validation_id, parent_id, family_id, metada_columns, added_dataset_ids, added_dataset_names, version)
Metadata for a DataRobot vector database accessible to the user.
- Attributes:
- idstr
Vector database ID.
- namestr
Vector database name.
- sizeint
Size of the vector database assets in bytes.
- use_case_idstr
Linked use case ID.
- dataset_idstr
ID of the dataset used for creation.
- embedding_modelstr
Name of the text embedding model. Currently supported options are listed in VectorDatabaseEmbeddingModel but the values can differ with different platform versions.
- chunking_methodstr or None
Name of the method to split dataset documents. Currently supported options are listed in VectorDatabaseChunkingMethod but the values can differ with different platform versions.
- chunk_sizeint or None
Size of each text chunk in number of tokens.
- chunk_overlap_percentageint or None
Overlap percentage between chunks.
- chunks_countint
Total number of text chunks.
- custom_chunkingbool
Determines if the chunking is custom. With custom chunking, dataset rows are not split into chunks automatically; instead, the user provides the chunks.
- separatorslist[string] or None
Separators for document splitting.
- creation_datestr
Date when the database was created.
- creation_user_idstr
ID of the creating user.
- organization_idstr
Creating user’s organization ID.
- tenant_idstr
Creating user’s tenant ID.
- last_update_datestr
Last update date for the database.
- execution_statusstr
Database execution status. Currently supported options are listed in VectorDatabaseExecutionStatus but the values can differ with different platform versions.
- playgrounds_countint
Number of using playgrounds.
- dataset_namestr
Name of the used dataset.
- user_namestr
Name of the creating user.
- sourcestr
Source of the vector database. Currently supported options are listed in VectorDatabaseSource but the values can differ with different platform versions.
- validation_idOptional[str]
ID of custom model vector database validation. Only filled for external vector databases.
- error_messageOptional[str]
Additional information for errored vector database.
- embedding_validation_idOptional[str]
ID of the custom embedding validation, if any.
- is_separator_regexbool
Whether the separators should be treated as regular expressions.
- classmethod get_supported_embeddings(dataset_id=None, use_case=None)
Get all supported and the recommended embedding models.
- Parameters:
- dataset_idstr, optional
ID of a dataset for which the recommended model is returned based on the detected language of that dataset.
- use_caseOptional[UseCase, str]
May be Use Case ID or the Use Case entity.
- Returns:
- supported_embeddingsSupportedEmbeddings
The supported embedding models.
- Return type:
- submit_export_dataset_job()
Submit the vector database dataset export job.
- Returns:
- resultVectorDatabaseDatasetExportJob
The result of the vector database dataset export job containing the exported dataset id.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_supported_retrieval_settings()
Get supported retrieval settings.
- Returns:
- supported_retrieval_settingsSupportedRetrievalSettings
The supported retriever settings.
- Return type:
- classmethod create(dataset_id, chunking_parameters=None, use_case=None, name=None, parent_vector_database_id=None, update_llm_blueprints=None, update_deployments=None)
Create a new vector database.
- Parameters:
- dataset_idstr
ID of the dataset used for creation.
- chunking_parametersChunkingParameters
Parameters defining how documents are split and embedded.
- use_caseOptional[Union[UseCase, str]], optional
Use case to link to the created vector database.
- namestr, optional
Vector database name, by default None which leads to the default name ‘Vector Database for <dataset name>’.
- parent_vector_database_idstr, optional
ID of the parent vector database to base the update on.
- update_llm_blueprintsbool, optional
Whether to update LLM blueprints related to the parent vector database.
- update_deploymentsbool, optional
Whether to update deployments related to the parent vector database.
- Returns:
- vector databaseVectorDatabase
The created vector database with execution status ‘new’.
- Return type:
- classmethod create_from_custom_model(name, use_case=None, validation_id=None, prompt_column_name=None, target_column_name=None, deployment_id=None, model_id=None)
Create a new vector database from validated custom model deployment.
- Parameters:
- namestr
Vector database name.
- use_caseOptional[Union[UseCase, str]], optional
Use case to link to the created vector database.
- validation_idstr, optional
ID of CustomModelVectorDatabaseValidation for the deployment. Alternatively, you can specify ALL the following fields.
- prompt_column_namestr, optional
The column name the deployed model expect as the input.
- target_column_namestr, optional
The target name deployed model will output.
- deployment_idstr, optional
ID of the deployment.
- model_idstr, optional
ID of the underlying deployment model. Can be found from the API as Deployment.model[“id”].
- Returns:
- vector databaseVectorDatabase
The created vector database.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(vector_database_id)
Retrieve a single vector database.
- Parameters:
- vector_database_idstr
The ID of the vector database you want to retrieve.
- Returns:
- vector databaseVectorDatabase
The requested vector database.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(use_case=None, playground=None, search=None, sort=None, completed_only=None)
List all vector databases associated with a specific use case available to the user.
- Parameters:
- use_caseOptional[UseCaseLike], optional
The returned vector databases are filtered to those associated with a specific Use Case or Cases if specified or can be inferred from the Context. Accepts either the entity or the ID.
- playgroundOptional[Union[Playground, str]], optional
The returned vector databases are filtered to those associated with a specific playground if it is specified. Accepts either the entity or the ID.
- searchstr, optional
String for filtering vector databases. Vector databases that contain the string in name will be returned. If not specified, all vector databases will be returned.
- sortstr, optional
Property to sort vector databases by. Prefix the attribute name with a dash to sort in descending order, e.g. sort=’-creationDate’. Currently supported options are listed in ListVectorDatabasesSortQueryParams but the values can differ with different platform versions. By default, the sort parameter is None which will result in vector databases being returned in order of creation time descending.
- completed_onlybool, optional
A filter to retrieve only vector databases that have been successfully created. By default, all vector databases regardless of execution status are retrieved.
- Returns:
- vectorbaseslist[VectorDatabase]
A list of vector databases available to the user.
- Return type:
- update(name)
Update the vector database.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The new name for the vector database.
- Returns:
- vector databaseVectorDatabase
The updated vector database.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the vector database.
- Return type:
- classmethod get_supported_text_chunkings()
Get all supported text chunking configurations which includes a set of recommended chunking parameters for each supported embedding model.
- Returns:
- supported_text_chunkingsSupportedTextChunkings
The supported text chunking configurations.
- Return type:
- download_text_and_embeddings_asset(file_path=None)
Download a parquet file with text chunks and corresponding embeddings created by a vector database.
- Parameters:
- file_pathstr, optional
File path to save the asset. By default, it saves in the current directory autogenerated by server name.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.vector_database.SupportedRetrievalSetting(name, type, description, title, default, minimum, maximum, enum, settings, group_id)
A single supported retrieval setting.
- Attributes:
- name: str
The name of the setting.
- type: str or list[str]
The type of the setting.
- description: str
The description of the setting.
- title: str
The title of the setting.
- default: str, int, bool, or None
The default value of the setting.
- minimum: int or None
The minimum value of the setting.
- maximum: int or None
The maximum value of the setting.
- enum: list[str] or None
The enum values of the setting.
- settings: list[SupportedRetrievalSetting] or None
The supported retriever settings.
- group_id: str or None
The group ID of the setting.
- class datarobot.models.genai.vector_database.SupportedRetrievalSettings(settings)
Supported retrieval settings.
- Attributes:
- settingslist[dict]
The supported retriever settings.
- class datarobot.models.genai.vector_database.VectorDatabaseDatasetExportJob(job_id, vector_database_id, export_dataset_id)
Response for the vector database dataset export job.
- Attributes:
- job_idstr
ID of the export job.
- vector_database_idstr
ID of the vector database.
- export_dataset_idstr
ID of the exported dataset.
- class datarobot.models.genai.chat_prompt.Citation(text, source=None, similarity_score=None, metadata=None)
Citation for documents retrieved from a vector database.
- Attributes:
- textstr
The text retrieved from a vector database.
- sourcestr or None, optional
The source of the retrieved text.
- similarity_score:
The similarity score between the citation and the user prompt.
- metadata: dict or None, optional
Additional metadata for the citation.
- class datarobot.models.genai.chat_prompt.ResultMetadata(output_token_count, input_token_count, total_token_count, estimated_docs_token_count, latency_milliseconds, feedback_result, metrics, final_prompt=None, error_message=None, cost=None)
Metadata for the result of a chat prompt submission.
- Attributes:
- output_token_countint
The number of tokens in the output.
- input_token_countint
The number of tokens in the input. This includes the chat history and documents retrieved from a vector database, if any.
- total_token_countint
The total number of tokens processed.
- estimated_docs_token_countint
The estimated number of tokens from the documents retrieved from a vector database, if any.
- latency_millisecondsint
The latency of the chat prompt submission in milliseconds.
- feedback_resultFeedbackResult
The lists of user_ids providing positive and negative feedback.
- metricsMetricMetadata
The evaluation metrics for this prompt.
- final_promptOptional[Union[str, dict]], optional
Representation of the final prompt sent to the LLM.
- error_messagestr or None, optional
The error message from the LLM response.
- costfloat or None, optional
The cost of the chat prompt submission.
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_blueprint.VectorDatabaseSettings(max_documents_retrieved_per_prompt=None, max_tokens=None, retriever=VectorDatabaseRetrievers.SINGLE_LOOKUP_RETRIEVER, add_neighbor_chunks=False)
Settings for a DataRobot GenAI vector database associated with an LLM blueprint.
- Attributes:
- max_documents_retrieved_per_promptint or None, optional
The maximum number of documents to retrieve for each prompt.
- max_tokensint or None, optional
The maximum number of tokens to retrieve for each document.
- retriever: VectorDatabaseRetrievers
The vector database retriever name.
- add_neighbor_chunks
Whether to add neighboring documents to the retrieved documents.
- class datarobot.models.genai.vector_database.ChunkingParameters(embedding_model, chunking_method, chunk_size, chunk_overlap_percentage, separators, custom_chunking=False, embedding_validation=None)
Parameters defining how documents are split and embedded.
- Attributes:
- embedding_modelOptional[str]
Name of the text embedding model. Currently supported options are listed in VectorDatabaseEmbeddingModel but the values can differ with different platform versions.
- chunking_methodstr
Name of the method to split dataset documents. Currently supported options are listed in VectorDatabaseChunkingMethod but the values can differ with different platform versions.
- chunk_sizeint
Size of each text chunk in number of tokens.
- chunk_overlap_percentageint
Overlap percentage between chunks.
- separatorslist[str]
Strings used to split documents into text chunks.
- embedding_validationOptional[CustomModelEmbeddingValidation, SupportedCustomModelEmbedding, str]
ID or object for custom embedding validation.
- custom_chunkingbool
Determines if the chunking is custom. With custom chunking, dataset rows are not split into chunks automatically; instead, the user provides the chunks.
- class datarobot.models.genai.prompt_trace.PromptTrace(timestamp, user, use_case_id, llm_blueprint_id, llm_blueprint_name, text, execution_status, llm_name=None, llm_vendor=None, llm_license=None, chat_prompt_id=None, comparison_prompt_id=None, llm_settings=None, chat_name=None, chat_id=None, vector_database_id=None, vector_database_settings=None, result_metadata=None, result_text=None, confidence_scores=None, evaluation_dataset_configuration_id=None)
Prompt trace contains aggregated information about a prompt execution.
- Attributes:
- timestampstr
The timestamp of the trace (ISO 8601 formatted).
- userdict
The user who submitted the prompt.
- chat_prompt_idstr
The ID of the chat prompt associated with the trace.
- use_case_idstr
The ID of the Use Case the playground is in.
- comparison_prompt_idstr
The ID of the comparison prompts associated with the trace.
- llm_blueprint_idstr
The ID of the LLM blueprint that the prompt was submitted to.
- llm_blueprint_name: str
The name of the LLM blueprint.
- llm_namestr
The name of the LLM in the LLM blueprint.
- llm_vendorstr
The vendor name of the LLM.
- llm_licensestr
What type of license the LLM has.
- llm_settingsdict or None
The LLM settings for the LLM blueprint. The specific keys allowed and the constraints on the values are defined in the response from LLMDefinition.list, but this typically has dict fields. Either: - system_prompt - The system prompt that influences the LLM responses. - max_completion_length - The maximum number of tokens in the completion. - temperature - Controls the variability in the LLM response. - top_p - Sets whether the model considers next tokens with top_p probability mass. or - system_prompt - The system prompt that influences the LLM responses. - validation_id - The ID of the external model LLM validation. - external_llm_context_size - The external LLM’s context size, in tokens, for external model-based LLM blueprints.
- chat_name: str or None
The name of the chat associated with the Trace.
- chat_id: str or None
The ID of the chat associated with the Trace.
- vector_database_idstr or None
ID of the vector database associated with the LLM blueprint, if any.
- vector_database_settingsVectorDatabaseSettings or None
The settings for the vector database associated with the LLM blueprint, if any.
- result_metadataResultMetadata or None
Metadata for the result of the prompt submission.
- result_text: str or None
The result text from the prompt submission.
- confidence_scores: ConfidenceScores or None
The confidence scores if there is a vector database associated with the prompt.
- text: str
The prompt text submitted to the LLM.
- execution_status: str
The execution status of the chat prompt.
- evaluation_dataset_configuration_id: str or None
The ID of the evaluation dataset configuration associated with the trace.
- classmethod list(playground)
List all prompt traces for a playground.
- Parameters:
- playground: str
The ID of the playground to list prompt traces for.
- Returns:
- prompt_traces: list[PromptTrace]
List of prompt traces for the playground.
- Return type:
- classmethod export_to_ai_catalog(playground)
Export prompt traces to AI Catalog as a CSV.
- Parameters:
- playground: str
The ID of the playground to export prompt traces for.
- Returns:
- status_url: str
The URL where the status of the job can be monitored
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.insights_configuration.InsightsConfiguration(insight_name, insight_type=None, deployment_id=None, model_id=None, sidecar_model_metric_validation_id=None, custom_metric_id=None, evaluation_dataset_configuration_id=None, cost_configuration_id=None, result_unit=None, ootb_metric_id=None, ootb_metric_name=None, guard_conditions=None, moderation_configuration=None, execution_status=None, error_message=None, error_resolution=None, nemo_metric_id=None, llm_id=None, custom_model_llm_validation_id=None, stage=None, aggregation_types=None, sidecar_model_metric_metadata=None, guard_template_id=None, guard_configuration_id=None, model_package_registered_model_id=None)
Configuration information for a specific insight.
- Attributes:
- insight_namestr
The name of the insight.
- insight_typeInsightTypes, optional
The type of the insight.
- deployment_idstr, optional
The deployment ID the insight is applied to.
- model_idstr, optional
The model ID for the insight.
- sidecar_model_metric_validation_idstr, optional
Validation ID for the sidecar model metric.
- custom_metric_idstr, optional
The ID for a custom model metric.
- evaluation_dataset_configuration_idstr, optional
The ID for the evaluation dataset configuration.
- cost_configuration_idstr, optional
The ID for the cost configuration information.
- result_unitstr, optional
The unit of the result, for example “USD”.
- ootb_metric_idstr, optional
The ID of the Datarobot-provided metric that does not require additional configuration.
- ootb_metric_namestr, optional
The name of the Datarobot-provided metric that does not require additional configuration.
- guard_conditionslist[dict], optional
The guard conditions to be used with the insight.
- moderation_configurationdict, optional
The moderation configuration for the insight.
- execution_statusstr, optional
The execution status of the insight.
- error_messagestr, optional
The error message for the insight, for example if it is missing specific configuration for deployed models.
- error_resolutionstr, optional
An indicator of which field must be edited to resolve an error state.
- nemo_metric_idstr, optional
The ID for the NEMO metric.
- llm_idstr, optional
The LLM ID for OOTB metrics that use LLMs.
- custom_model_llm_validation_idstr, optional
The ID for the custom model LLM validation if using a custom model LLM for OOTB metrics.
- aggregation_typeslist[str], optional
The aggregation types to be used for the insight.
- stagestr, optional
The stage (prompt or response) when the metric is calculated.
- sidecar_model_metric_metadatadict, optional
Metadata specific to sidecar model metrics.
- guard_template_idstr, optional
The ID for the guard template that applies to the insight.
- guard_configuration_idstr, optional
The ID for the guard configuration that applies to the insight.
- class datarobot.models.genai.insights_configuration.SupportedInsights(insight_name, insight_type=None, deployment_id=None, model_id=None, sidecar_model_metric_validation_id=None, custom_metric_id=None, evaluation_dataset_configuration_id=None, cost_configuration_id=None, result_unit=None, ootb_metric_id=None, ootb_metric_name=None, guard_conditions=None, moderation_configuration=None, execution_status=None, error_message=None, error_resolution=None, nemo_metric_id=None, llm_id=None, custom_model_llm_validation_id=None, stage=None, aggregation_types=None, sidecar_model_metric_metadata=None, guard_template_id=None, guard_configuration_id=None, model_package_registered_model_id=None)
Supported insights configurations for a given use case.
- classmethod list(use_case_id)
Get a list of all supported insights that can be used within a given Use Case.
- Parameters:
- use_case_id: str
The ID of the Use Case to list supported insights for.
- Returns:
- insights: list[InsightsConfiguration]
A list of supported insights.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.insights_configuration.Insights(playground_id, insights_configuration, creation_date, creation_user_id, last_update_date, last_update_user_id, tenant_id)
The insights configured for a playground.
- Attributes:
- playground_idstr
The ID of the playground the insights are configured for.
- insights_configurationlist[InsightsConfiguration]
The insights configuration for the playground.
- creation_datestr
The date the insights were configured.
- creation_user_idstr
The ID of the user who created the insights.
- last_update_datestr
The date the insights were last updated.
- last_update_user_idstr
The ID of the user who last updated the insights.
- tenant_idstr
The tenant ID that applies to the record.
- classmethod get(playground, with_aggregation_types_only=False)
Get the insights configuration for a given playground.
- Parameters:
- playground: str|Playground
The ID of the playground to get insights for.
- with_aggregation_types_only: bool, optional
If True, only return the aggregation types for the insights.
- Returns:
- insights: Insights
The insights configuration for the playground.
- Return type:
- classmethod create(playground, insights_configuration, use_case)
Create a new insights configuration for a given playground.
- Parameters:
- playground: str
The ID of the playground to create insights for.
- insights_configuration: list[InsightsConfiguration]
The insights configuration for the playground.
- use_case_id: str
The Use Case ID to the playground is a part of.
- Returns:
- insights: Insights
The created insights configuration.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.cost_metric_configurations.LLMCostConfiguration(input_token_price, reference_input_token_count, output_token_price, reference_output_token_count, currency_code, llm_id, custom_model_llm_validation_id=None)
Cost configuration for a specific LLM model; used for cost metric calculation. Price-per-token is price/reference token count.
- Attributes:
- input_token_price (float): The price of the input token.
- reference_input_token_count (int): The reference input token count.
- output_token_price (float): The price of the output token.
- reference_output_token_count (int): The reference output token count.
- currency_code (str): The currency code.
- llm_id (str): The LLM ID.
- custom_model_llm_validation_id (Optional[str]): The custom model LLM validation ID if llm_id is custom-model.
- class datarobot.models.genai.cost_metric_configurations.CostMetricConfiguration(cost_configuration_id, playground_id, use_case_id, cost_metric_configurations, name)
Cost metric configuration for a use case.
- Attributes:
- cost_configuration_id (str): The cost configuration ID.
- use_case_id (str): The use case ID.
- cost_metric_configurations (List[LLMCostConfiguration]): The list of LLM cost configurations.
- classmethod get(cost_metric_configuration_id)
Get cost metric configuration by ID.
- Return type:
- update(cost_metric_configurations, name=None)
Update the cost configurations.
- Return type:
- classmethod create(use_case_id, playground_id, name, cost_metric_configurations)
Create a new cost metric configuration.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the cost metric configuration.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.evaluation_dataset_configuration.EvaluationDatasetConfiguration(id, name, size, rows_count, use_case_id, dataset_id, dataset_name, prompt_column_name, user_name, creation_user_id, creation_date, tenant_id, execution_status, playground_id=None, response_column_name=None, correctness_enabled=None, error_message=None)
An evaluation dataset configuration used to evaluate the performance of LLMs.
- Attributes:
- idstr
The evaluation dataset configuration ID.
- namestr
The name of the evaluation dataset configuration.
- sizeint
The size of the evaluation dataset (in bytes).
- rows_countint
The row count of the evaluation dataset.
- use_case_idstr
The ID of the Use Case associated with the evaluation dataset configuration.
- playground_idOptional[str]
The ID of the playground associated with the evaluation dataset configuration.
- dataset_idstr
The ID of the evaluation dataset.
- dataset_namestr
The name of the evaluation dataset.
- prompt_column_namestr
The name of the dataset column containing the prompt text.
- response_column_nameOptional[str]
The name of the dataset column containing the response text.
- user_namestr
The name of the user who created the evaluation dataset configuration.
- correctness_enabledOptional[bool]
Whether correctness is enabled for the evaluation dataset configuration.
- creation_user_idstr
The ID of the user who created the evaluation dataset configuration.
- creation_datestr
The creation date of the evaluation dataset configuration (ISO-8601 formatted).
- tenant_idstr
The ID of the DataRobot tenant this evaluation dataset configuration belongs to.
- execution_statusstr
The execution status of the evaluation dataset configuration.
- error_messageOptional[str]
The error message associated with the evaluation dataset configuration.
- classmethod get(id)
Get an evaluation dataset configuration by ID.
- Parameters:
- id: str
The evaluation dataset configuration ID to fetch.
- Returns:
- evaluation_dataset_configuration: EvaluationDatasetConfiguration
The evaluation dataset configuration.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(use_case_id, playground_id=None, evaluation_dataset_configuration_id=None, offset=0, limit=100, sort=None, search=None, correctness_only=False, completed_only=False)
List all evaluation dataset configurations for a Use Case.
- Parameters:
- use_case_id: str
The ID of the Use Case that evaluation datasets are returned for.
- playground_id: str, optional
The ID of the playground that evaluation datasets are returned for. Default is None.
- evaluation_dataset_configuration_id: str, optional
The ID of the evaluation dataset configuration to fetch. Default is None.
- offset: int, optional
The offset to start fetching evaluation datasets from. Default is 0.
- limit: int, optional
The maximum number of evaluation datasets to return. Default is 100.
- sort: str, optional
The order of return for evaluation datasets. Default is None, which returns sorting by creation time.
- search: str, optional
A search term that filters results so that only evaluation datasets with names matching the string are returned. Default is None.
- correctness_only: bool, optional
Whether to return only completed datasets (particularly applicable to completion of generated synthetic datasets). Default is False.
- completed_only: bool, optional
Whether to return only completed datasets. Default is False.
- Returns:
- evaluation_dataset_configurations: List[EvaluationDatasetConfiguration]
A list of evaluation dataset configurations.
- Return type:
- classmethod create(name, use_case_id, dataset_id, prompt_column_name, playground_id, is_synthetic_dataset=False, response_column_name=None)
Create an evaluation dataset configuration for an existing dataset.
- Parameters:
- name: str
The name of the evaluation dataset configuration.
- use_case_id: str
The Use Case ID that the evaluation dataset configuration will be added to.
- dataset_id: str
An ID, to add to the configuration, that identifies the evaluation dataset.
- playground_id: str
The ID of the playground that the evaluation dataset configuration will be added to. Default is None.
- prompt_column_name: str
The name of the prompt column in the dataset.
- response_column_name: str
The name of the response column in the dataset.
- is_synthetic_dataset: bool
Whether the evaluation dataset is synthetic.
- Returns:
- evaluation_dataset_configurationEvaluationDatasetConfiguration
The created evaluation dataset configuration.
- Return type:
- update(name=None, dataset_id=None, prompt_column_name=None, response_column_name=None)
Update the evaluation dataset configuration.
- Parameters:
- name: str, optional
The name of the evaluation dataset configuration.
- dataset_id: str, optional
The ID of the dataset used in this configuration.
- prompt_column_namestr, optional
The name of the prompt column in the dataset.
- response_column_namestr, optional
The name of the response column in the dataset.
- Returns:
- evaluation_dataset_configurationEvaluationDatasetConfiguration
The updated evaluation dataset configuration.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the evaluation dataset configuration.
- Returns:
- None
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.evaluation_dataset_metric_aggregation.EvaluationDatasetMetricAggregation(llm_blueprint_id, evaluation_dataset_configuration_id, ootb_dataset_name, metric_name, deployment_id, dataset_id, dataset_name, chat_id, chat_name, aggregation_value, aggregation_type, creation_date, creation_user_id, tenant_id)
- Information about an evaluation dataset metric aggregation job.
This job runs a metric against LLMs using an evaluation dataset and aggregates the results.
- Attributes:
- llm_blueprint_idstr
The LLM blueprint ID.
- evaluation_dataset_configuration_idstr
The evaluation dataset configuration ID.
- ootb_dataset_namestr | None
The name of the Datarobot-provided dataset that does not require additional configuration..
- metric_namestr
The name of the metric.
- deployment_idstr | None
A deployment ID if the evaluation was run against a deployment.
- dataset_idstr | None
The ID of the dataset used in the evaluation.
- dataset_namestr | None
The name of the dataset used in the evaluation.
- chat_idstr
The ID of the chat created to run the evaluation.
- chat_namestr
The name of the chat that was created to run the evaluation.
- aggregation_valuefloat | List[Dict[str, float]]
The aggregated metric result.
- aggregation_typeAggregationType
The type of aggregation used for the metric results.
- creation_datestr
The date the evaluation job was created.
- creation_user_idstr
The ID of the user who created the evaluation job.
- tenant_idstr
The ID of the tenant that owns the evaluation job.
- classmethod create(chat_name, llm_blueprint_ids, evaluation_dataset_configuration_id, insights_configuration)
Create a new evaluation dataset metric aggregation job. The job will run the specified metric for the specified LLM blueprint IDs using the prompt-response pairs in the evaluation dataset.
- Parameters:
- chat_namestr
The name of the chat that will be created to run the evaluation in.
- llm_blueprint_idsList[str]
The LLM blueprint IDs to evaluate.
- evaluation_dataset_configuration_idstr
The ID evaluation dataset configuration to use during the evaluation.
- insights_configurationList[InsightsConfiguration]
The insights configurations to use during the evaluation.
- Returns:
- str
The ID of the evaluation dataset metric aggregation job.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(llm_blueprint_ids=None, chat_ids=None, evaluation_dataset_configuration_ids=None, metric_names=None, aggregation_types=None, current_configuration_only=False, sort=None, offset=0, limit=100, non_errored_only=True)
List evaluation dataset metric aggregations. The results will be filtered by the provided LLM blueprint IDs and chat IDs.
- Parameters:
- llm_blueprint_idsList[str]
The LLM blueprint IDs to filter on.
- chat_idsList[str]
The chat IDs to filter on.
- evaluation_dataset_configuration_idsList[str]
The evaluation dataset configuration IDs to filter on.
- metric_namesList[str]
The metric names to filter on.
- aggregation_typesList[str]
The aggregation types to filter on.
- current_configuration_onlybool, optional
If True, only results that are associated with the current configuration of the LLM blueprint will be returned. Defaults to False.
- sortstr, optional
The field to sort on. Defaults to None.
- offsetint, optional
The offset to start at. Defaults to 0.
- limitint, optional
The maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 100.
- non_errored_onlybool, optional
If True, only results that did not encounter an error will be returned. Defaults to True.
- Returns:
- List[EvaluationDatasetMetricAggregation]
A list of evaluation dataset metric aggregations.
- Return type:
- classmethod delete(llm_blueprint_ids, chat_ids)
Delete the associated evaluation dataset metric aggregations. Either llm_blueprint_ids or chat_ids must be provided. If both are provided, only results matching both will be removed.
- Parameters:
- llm_blueprint_idsList[str]
The LLM blueprint IDs to filter on.
- chat_idsList[str]
The chat IDs to filter on.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.synthetic_evaluation_dataset_generation.SyntheticEvaluationDataset(dataset_id, prompt_column_name, response_column_name)
A synthetically generated evaluation dataset for LLMs.
- Attributes:
- dataset_id (str): The ID of the dataset.
- prompt_column_name (str): The name of the prompt column in the dataset.
- response_column_name (str): The name of the response column in the dataset.
- classmethod create(llm_id, vector_database_id, llm_settings=None, dataset_name=None, language=None)
Create a synthetic evaluation dataset generation job. This will create a synthetic dataset to be used for evaluation of a language model.
- Parameters:
- llm_id (str): The ID of the language model that will be used to generate the dataset.
- llm_settings (Dict[str, Optional[Union[bool, int, float, str]]]): The settings to use for the language
model used for dataset generation.
- vector_database_id (str): The ID of the vector database to use for dataset generation.
- dataset_name (str): The name to use for the dataset, otherwise this will be autogenerated.
- language (str): The language to use for dataset generation. English will be used if this is not specified.
- Returns:
- SyntheticEvaluationDataset: Reference to the synthetic evaluation dataset that was created.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.sidecar_model_metric.SidecarModelMetricValidation(id, playground_id, prompt_column_name, deployment_id, model_id, validation_status, deployment_access_data, tenant_id, name, creation_date, user_id, deployment_name, user_name, use_case_id, prediction_timeout, error_message, citations_prefix_column_name, response_column_name, target_column_name, expected_response_column_name)
A sidecar model metric validation for LLMs.
- Attributes:
- idstr
The ID of the sidecar model metric validation.
- prompt_column_namestr
The name of the prompt column for the sidecar model.
- deployment_idstr
The ID of the deployment associated with the sidecar model.
- model_idstr
The ID of the sidecar model.
- validation_statusstr
The status of the validation job.
- deployment_access_datadict
Data that will be used for accessing deployment prediction server. Only available for deployments that passed validation. Dict fields: - prediction_api_url - URL for deployment prediction server. - datarobot_key - first of 2 auth headers for the prediction server. - authorization_header - second of 2 auth headers for the prediction server. - input_type - Either JSON or CSV - the input type that the model expects. - model_type - Target type of the deployed custom model.
- tenant_idstr
The ID of the tenant that created the sidecar model metric validation.
- namestr
The name of the sidecar model metric.
- creation_datestr
The date the sidecar model metric validation was created.
- user_idstr
The ID of the user that created the sidecar model metric validation.
- deployment_namestr
The name of the deployment associated with the sidecar model.
- user_namestr
The name of the user that created the sidecar model metric validation.
- use_case_idstr
The ID of the use case associated with the sidecar model metric validation.
- prediction_timeoutint
The timeout in seconds for the prediction API used in this sidecar model metric validation.
- error_messagestr
Additional information for errored validation.
- citations_prefix_column_namestr
The name of the prefix in the citations column for the sidecar model.
- response_column_namestr
The name of the response column for the sidecar model.
- expected_response_column_namestr
The name of the expected response column for the sidecar model.
- target_column_namestr
The name of the target column for the sidecar model.
- classmethod create(deployment_id, name, prediction_timeout, model_id=None, use_case_id=None, playground_id=None, prompt_column_name=None, target_column_name=None, response_column_name=None, citation_prefix_column_name=None, expected_response_column_name=None)
Create a sidecar model metric validation.
- Parameters:
- deployment_idstr
The ID of the deployment to validate.
- namestr
The name of the validation.
- prediction_timeoutint
The timeout in seconds for the prediction API used in this validation.
- model_idstr, optional
The ID of the model to validate.
- use_case_idstr, optional
The ID of the use case associated with the validation.
- playground_idstr, optional
The ID of the playground associated with the validation.
- prompt_column_namestr, optional
The name of the prompt column for the sidecar model.
- target_column_namestr, optional
The name of the target column for the sidecar model.
- response_column_namestr, optional
The name of the response column for the sidecar model.
- citation_prefix_column_namestr, optional
The name of the prefix for citations column for the sidecar model.
- expected_response_column_namestr, optional
The name of the expected response column for the sidecar model.
- Returns:
- SidecarModelMetricValidation
The created sidecar model metric validation.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(use_case_ids=None, offset=None, limit=None, search=None, sort=None, completed_only=True, deployment_id=None, model_id=None, prompt_column_name=None, target_column_name=None, citation_prefix_column_name=None)
List sidecar model metric validations.
- Parameters:
- use_case_idsList[str], optional
The IDs of the use cases to filter by.
- offsetint, optional
The number of records to skip.
- limitint, optional
The maximum number of records to return.
- searchstr, optional
The search string.
- sortstr, optional
The sort order.
- completed_onlybool, optional
Whether to return only completed validations.
- deployment_idstr, optional
The ID of the deployment to filter by.
- model_idstr, optional
The ID of the model to filter by.
- prompt_column_namestr, optional
The name of the prompt column to filter by.
- target_column_namestr, optional
The name of the target column to filter by.
- citation_prefix_column_namestr, optional
The name of the prefix for citations column to filter by.
- Returns:
- List[SidecarModelMetricValidation]
The list of sidecar model metric validations.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(validation_id)
Get a sidecar model metric validation by ID.
- Parameters:
- validation_idstr
The ID of the validation to get.
- Returns:
- SidecarModelMetricValidation
The sidecar model metric validation.
- Return type:
- revalidate()
Revalidate the sidecar model metric validation.
- Returns:
- SidecarModelMetricValidation
The sidecar model metric validation.
- Return type:
- update(name=None, prompt_column_name=None, target_column_name=None, response_column_name=None, expected_response_column_name=None, citation_prefix_column_name=None, deployment_id=None, model_id=None, prediction_timeout=None)
Update the sidecar model metric validation.
- Parameters:
- namestr, optional
The name of the validation.
- prompt_column_namestr, optional
The name of the prompt column for the sidecar model.
- target_column_namestr, optional
The name of the target column for the sidecar model.
- response_column_namestr, optional
The name of the response column for the sidecar model.
- expected_response_column_namestr, optional
The name of the expected response column for the sidecar model.
- citation_prefix_column_namestr, optional
The name of the prefix for citations column for the sidecar model.
- deployment_idstr, optional
The ID of the deployment to validate.
- model_idstr, optional
The ID of the model to validate.
- prediction_timeoutint, optional
The timeout in seconds for the prediction API used in this validation.
- Returns:
- SidecarModelMetricValidation
The updated sidecar model metric validation.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete the sidecar model metric validation.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_configuration.LLMTestConfiguration(id, name, description, dataset_evaluations, llm_test_grading_criteria, is_out_of_the_box_test_configuration, use_case_id=None, creation_date=None, creation_user_id=None, warnings=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI LLM test configuration.
- Attributes:
- idstr
The LLM test configuration ID.
- namestr
The LLM test configuration name.
- descriptionstr
The LLM test configuration description.
- dataset_evaluationslist[DatasetEvaluation]
The dataset/insight combinations that make up the LLM test configuration.
- llm_test_grading_criteriaLLMTestGradingCriteria
The criteria used to grade the result of the LLM test configuration.
- is_out_of_the_box_test_configurationbool
Whether this is an out-of-the-box configuration.
- use_case_idOptional[str]
The ID of the linked Use Case, if any.
- creation_dateOptional[str]
The date the LLM test configuration was created, if any.
- creation_user_idOptional[str]
The ID of the creating user, if any.
- warnings: Optional[list[Dict[str, str]]]
The warnings for the LLM test configuration, if any.
- classmethod create(name, dataset_evaluations, llm_test_grading_criteria, use_case=None, description=None)
Creates a new LLM test configuration.
- Parameters:
- namestr
The LLM test configuration name.
- dataset_evaluationslist[DatasetEvaluationRequestDict]
The LLM test dataset evaluation requests.
- llm_test_grading_criteriaLLMTestGradingCriteria
The LLM test grading criteria.
- use_caseOptional[Union[UseCase, str]], optional
Use case to link to the created llm test configuration.
- descriptionstr, optional
The LLM test configuration description. If None, the default, description returns an empty string.
- Returns:
- llm_test_configurationLLMTestConfiguration
The created LLM test configuration.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(llm_test_configuration)
Retrieve a single LLM Test configuration.
- Parameters:
- llm_test_configurationLLMTestConfiguration or str
The LLM test configuration to retrieve, either LLMTestConfiguration or LLMTestConfiguration ID.
- Returns:
- llm_test_configurationLLMTestConfiguration
The requested LLM Test configuration.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(use_case=None, test_config_type=None)
List all LLM test configurations available to the user. If a Use Case is specified, results are restricted to only those configurations associated with that Use Case.
- Parameters:
- use_caseOptional[UseCaseLike], optional
Returns only those configurations associated with a particular Use Case, specified by either the Use Case name or ID.
- test_config_typeOptional[LLMTestConfigurationType], optional
Returns only configurations of the specified type. If not specified, the custom test configurations are returned.
- Returns:
- llm_test_configurationslist[LLMTestConfiguration]
Returns a list of LLM test configurations.
- Return type:
- update(name=None, description=None, dataset_evaluations=None, llm_test_grading_criteria=None)
Update the LLM test configuration.
- Parameters:
- namestr, optional
The new LLM test configuration name.
- descriptionstr, optional
The new LLM test configuration description.
- dataset_evaluationslist[DatasetEvaluationRequestDict], optional
The new dataset evaluation requests.
- llm_test_grading_criteriaLLMTestGradingCriteria, optional
The new grading criteria.
- Returns:
- llm_test_configurationLLMTestConfiguration
The updated LLM test configuration.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete a single LLM test configuration.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_configuration.LLMTestConfigurationSupportedInsights(supported_insight_configurations, datasets_compatibility)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI LLM test configuration supported insights.
- Attributes:
- supported_insight_configurationslist[InsightsConfiguration]
The supported insights for LLM test configurations.
- classmethod list(use_case=None, playground=None)
List all supported insights for a LLM test configuration.
- Parameters:
- use_caseOptional[Union[UseCase, str]], optional
Returns only those supported insight configurations associated with a particular Use Case, specified by either the Use Case name or ID.
- playgroundOptional[Union[Playground, str]], optional
Returns only those supported insight configurations associated with a particular playground, specified by either the Playground or ID.
- Returns:
- llm_test_configuration_supported_insightsLLMTestConfigurationSupportedInsights
Returns the supported insight configurations for the LLM test configuration.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_result.LLMTestResult(id, llm_test_configuration_id, llm_test_configuration_name, use_case_id, llm_blueprint_id, llm_blueprint_snapshot, llm_test_grading_criteria, execution_status, insight_evaluation_results, creation_date, creation_user_id, creation_user_name, pass_percentage=None, grading_result=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI LLM test result.
- Attributes:
- idstr
The LLM test result ID.
- llm_test_configuration_idstr
The LLM test configuration ID associated with this LLM test result.
- llm_test_configuration_namestr
The LLM test configuration name associated with this LLM test result.
- use_case_idstr
The ID of the Use Case associated with this LLM test result.
- llm_blueprint_idstr
The ID of the LLM blueprint for this LLM test result.
- llm_test_grading_criteriaLLMTestGradingCriteria
The criteria used to grade the result of the LLM test configuration.
- grading_resultGradingResult
The overall grading result for the LLM test.
- pass_percentagefloat
The percentage of insight evaluation results that passed the grading criteria.
- execution_statusstr
The execution status of the job that evaluated the LLM test result.
- insight_evaluation_resultlist[InsightEvaluationResult]
The results for the individual insights that make up the LLM test result.
- creation_datestr
The date of the LLM test result.
- creation_user_idstr
The ID of the user who executed the LLM test.
- creation_user_name: str
The name of the user who executed the LLM test.
- classmethod create(llm_test_configuration, llm_blueprint)
Create a new LLMTestResult. This executes the LLM test configuration using the specified LLM blueprint. To check the status of the LLM test, use the LLMTestResult.get method with the returned ID.
- Parameters:
- llm_test_configurationLLMTestConfiguration or str
The LLM test configuration to execute, either LLMTestConfiguration or the LLM test configuration ID.
- llm_blueprintLLMBlueprint or str
The LLM blueprint to test, either LLMBlueprint or the LLM blueprint ID.
- Returns:
- llm_test_resultLLMTestResult
The created LLM test result.
- Return type:
- classmethod get(llm_test_result)
Retrieve a single LLM test result.
- Parameters:
- llm_test_resultLLMTestResult or str
The LLM test result to retrieve, specified by either LLM test result or test ID.
- Returns:
- llm_test_resultLLMTestResult
The requested LLM test result.
- Return type:
- classmethod list(llm_test_configuration=None, llm_blueprint=None)
List all LLM test results available to the user. If the LLM test configuration or LLM blueprint is specified, results are restricted to only those LLM test results associated with the LLM test configuration or LLM blueprint.
- Parameters:
- llm_test_configurationOptional[Union[LLMTestConfiguration, str]]
The returned LLM test results are filtered to those associated with a specific LLM test configuration, if specified.
- llm_blueprintOptional[Union[LLMBlueprint, str]]
The returned LLM test results, filtered by those associated with a specific LLM blueprint, if specified.
- Returns:
- llm_test_resultsList[LLMTestResult]
Returns a list of LLM test results.
- Return type:
- delete()
Delete a single LLM test result.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_configuration.DatasetEvaluation(evaluation_name, insight_configuration, insight_grading_criteria, evaluation_dataset_name, max_num_prompts=None, prompt_sampling_strategy=None, evaluation_dataset_configuration_id=None, ootb_dataset=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI dataset evaluation.
- Attributes:
- evaluation_name: str
The name of the evaluation.
- evaluation_dataset_configuration_id: str or None, optional
The ID of the evaluation dataset configuration for custom datasets.
- evaluation_dataset_name: str
The name of the evaluation dataset.
- ootb_dataset: OOTBDataset or None, optional
Out-of-the-box dataset.
- insight_configuration: InsightsConfiguration
The insight to calculate for this dataset.
- insight_grading_criteria: InsightGradingCriteria
The criteria to use for grading the results.
- max_num_prompts: int
The maximum number of prompts to use for the evaluation.
- prompt_sampling_strategy: PromptSamplingStrategy
The prompt sampling strategy for the dataset evaluation.
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_result.InsightEvaluationResult(id, llm_test_result_id, chat_id, chat_name, execution_status, evaluation_name, insight_grading_criteria, last_update_date, evaluation_dataset_name, aggregation_value=None, evaluation_dataset_configuration_id=None, metric_name=None, aggregation_type=None, grading_result=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI insight evaluation result.
- Attributes:
- idstr
The ID of the insight evaluation result.
- llm_test_result_idstr
The ID of the LLM test result associated with this insight evaluation result.
- evaluation_dataset_configuration_idstr
The ID of the evaluation dataset configuration.
- evaluation_dataset_namestr
The name of the evaluation dataset.
- metric_namestr
The name of the metric.
- chat_idstr
The ID of the chat containing the prompts and responses.
- chat_namestr
The name of the chat containing the prompts and responses.
- aggregation_typeAggregationType
The type of aggregation used for the metric results.
- grading_resultGradingResult
The overall grade for the LLM test.
- execution_statusstr
The execution status of the LLM test.
- evaluation_namestr
The name of the evaluation.
- insight_grading_criteria: InsightGradingCriteria
The criteria to grade the results.
- last_update_datestr
The date the result was most recently updated.
- aggregation_valuefloat | List[Dict[str, float]] | None
The aggregated metric result.
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_configuration.OOTBDatasetDict(*args, **kwargs)
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_configuration.DatasetEvaluationRequestDict(*args, **kwargs)
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_configuration.DatasetEvaluationDict(*args, **kwargs)
- class datarobot.models.genai.nemo_configuration.NemoConfiguration(blocked_terms_file_contents, prompt_pipeline_metric_name=None, prompt_pipeline_files=None, prompt_llm_configuration=None, prompt_moderation_configuration=None, prompt_pipeline_template_id=None, response_pipeline_metric_name=None, response_pipeline_files=None, response_llm_configuration=None, response_moderation_configuration=None, response_pipeline_template_id=None)
Configuration for the Nemo Pipeline.
- Attributes:
- prompt_pipeline_metric_namestr, optional
The name of the metric for the prompt pipeline.
- prompt_pipeline_filesNemoFileContentsResponse, optional
The files used in the prompt pipeline.
- prompt_llm_configurationNemoLLMConfiguration, optional
The LLM configuration for the prompt pipeline.
- prompt_moderation_configurationModerationConfigurationWithoutID, optional
The moderation configuration for the prompt pipeline.
- prompt_pipeline_template_idstr, optional
The ID of the prompt pipeline template. This parameter defines the file.
- response_pipeline_metric_namestr, optional
The name of the metric for the response pipeline.
- response_pipeline_filesNemoFileContentsResponse, optional
The files used in the response pipeline.
- response_llm_configurationNemoLLMConfiguration, optional
The LLM configuration for the response pipeline.
- response_moderation_configurationModerationConfigurationWithoutID, optional
The moderation configuration for the response pipeline.
- response_pipeline_template_idstr, optional
The ID of the response pipeline template. This parameter defines the file.
- blocked_terms_file_contentsstr
The contents of the blocked terms file. This is shared between the prompt and response pipelines.
- classmethod get(playground)
Get the Nemo configuration for a playground.
- Parameters:
- playground: str or Playground
The playground to get the configuration for
- Returns:
- NemoConfiguration
The Nemo configuration for the playground.
- Return type:
- classmethod upsert(playground, blocked_terms_file_contents, prompt_pipeline_metric_name=None, prompt_pipeline_files=None, prompt_llm_configuration=None, prompt_moderation_configuration=None, prompt_pipeline_template_id=None, response_pipeline_metric_name=None, response_pipeline_files=None, response_llm_configuration=None, response_moderation_configuration=None, response_pipeline_template_id=None)
Create or update the nemo configuration for a playground.
- Parameters:
- playground: str or Playground
The playground for the configuration
- blocked_terms_file_contents: str
The contents of the blocked terms file.
- prompt_pipeline_metric_name: str, optional
The name of the metric for the prompt pipeline.
- prompt_pipeline_files: NemoFileContents, optional
The files used in the prompt pipeline.
- prompt_llm_configuration: NemoLLMConfiguration, optional
The LLM configuration for the prompt pipeline.
- prompt_moderation_configuration: ModerationConfigurationWithoutID, optional
The moderation configuration for the prompt pipeline.
- prompt_pipeline_template_id: str, optional
The ID of the prompt pipeline template, this will define the file.
- response_pipeline_metric_name: str, optional
The name of the metric for the response pipeline.
- response_pipeline_files: NemoFileContents, optional
The files used in the response pipeline.
- response_llm_configuration: NemoLLMConfiguration, optional
The LLM configuration for the response pipeline.
- response_moderation_configuration: ModerationConfigurationWithoutID, optional
The moderation configuration for the response pipeline.
- response_pipeline_template_id: str, optional
The ID of the response pipeline template, this will define the file.
- Returns:
- NemoConfiguration
The Nemo configuration for the playground.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_configuration.OOTBDataset(dataset_name, prompt_column_name, rows_count, dataset_url=None, response_column_name=None, warning=None)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI out-of-the-box LLM compliance test dataset.
- Attributes:
- dataset_name: str
The name of the dataset.
- prompt_column_namestr
The name of the prompt column.
- response_column_name: str or None, optional
The name of the response column, if any.
- dataset_url: str or None, optional
The URL of the dataset.
- rows_count: int
The number of rows in the dataset.
- warning: str or None, optional
A warning message regarding the contents of the dataset, if any.
- classmethod list()
List all out-of-the-box datasets available to the user.
- Returns:
- ootb_datasetslist[OOTBDataset]
Returns a list of out-of-the-box datasets.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.llm_test_configuration.NonOOTBDataset(**kwargs)
Metadata for a DataRobot GenAI non out-of-the-box (OOTB) LLM compliance test dataset.
- classmethod list(use_case=None)
List all non out-of-the-box datasets available to the user.
- Returns:
- non_ootb_datasetslist[NonOOTBDataset]
Returns a list of non out-of-the-box datasets.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.prompt_trace.TraceMetadata(users, chats)
Trace metadata contains information about all the users and chats that are relevant to this playground.
- Attributes:
- userslist[dict]
The users who submitted the prompt.
- classmethod get(playground)
Get trace metadata for a playground.
- Parameters:
- playground: str
The ID of the playground to get trace metadata for.
- Returns:
- trace_metadata: TraceMetadata
The trace metadata for the playground.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.metric_insights.MetricInsights(insight_name, insight_type=None, deployment_id=None, model_id=None, sidecar_model_metric_validation_id=None, custom_metric_id=None, evaluation_dataset_configuration_id=None, cost_configuration_id=None, result_unit=None, ootb_metric_id=None, ootb_metric_name=None, guard_conditions=None, moderation_configuration=None, execution_status=None, error_message=None, error_resolution=None, nemo_metric_id=None, llm_id=None, custom_model_llm_validation_id=None, stage=None, aggregation_types=None, sidecar_model_metric_metadata=None, guard_template_id=None, guard_configuration_id=None, model_package_registered_model_id=None)
Metric insights for playground.
- classmethod list(playground)
Get metric insights for playground.
- Parameters:
- playgroundstr or Playground
Playground to get the supported metrics from.
- Returns:
- insights: list[InsightsConfiguration]
Metric insights for playground.
- Return type:
- classmethod copy_to_playground(source_playground, target_playground, add_to_existing=True, with_evaluation_datasets=False)
Copy metric insights to from one playground to another.
- Parameters:
- source_playgroundstr or Playground
Playground to copy metric insights from.
- target_playgroundstr or Playground
Playground to copy metric insights to.
- add_to_existingbool, optional
Add metric insights to existing ones in the target playground, by default True.
- with_evaluation_datasetsbool, optional
Copy evaluation datasets from the source playground.
- Return type:
- class datarobot.models.genai.ootb_metric_configuration.PlaygroundOOTBMetricConfiguration(ootb_metric_configurations)
OOTB metric configurations for a playground.
- Attributes:
- ootb_metric_configurations: (List[OOTBMetricConfigurationResponse]): The list of the OOTB metric configurations.
- classmethod get(playground_id)
Get OOTB metric configurations for the playground.
- Return type:
- classmethod create(playground_id, ootb_metric_configurations)
Create a new OOTB metric configurations.
- Return type: