Custom Models

class datarobot.models.custom_model_version.CustomModelFileItem(id, file_name, file_path, file_source, created_at=None)

A file item attached to a DataRobot custom model version.

Added in version v2.21.

id: str

The ID of the file item.

file_name: str

The name of the file item.

file_path: str

The path of the file item.

file_source: str

The source of the file item.

created_at: str, optional

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the version was created.

class datarobot.CustomInferenceModel(**kwargs)

A custom inference model.

Added in version v2.21.

id: str

The ID of the custom model.

name: str

The name of the custom model.

language: str

The programming language of the custom inference model. Can be “python”, “r”, “java” or “other”.

description: str

The description of the custom inference model.

target_type: datarobot.TARGET_TYPE

Target type of the custom inference model. Values: [datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.BINARY, datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.REGRESSION, datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.MULTICLASS, datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.UNSTRUCTURED, datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.ANOMALY, datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.TEXT_GENERATION]

target_name: str, optional

Target feature name. It is optional(ignored if provided) for datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.UNSTRUCTURED or datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.ANOMALY target type.

latest_version: datarobot.CustomModelVersion or None

The latest version of the custom model if the model has a latest version.

deployments_count: int

Number of a deployments of the custom models.

target_name: str

The custom model target name.

positive_class_label: str

For binary classification projects, a label of a positive class.

negative_class_label: str

For binary classification projects, a label of a negative class.

prediction_threshold: float

For binary classification projects, a threshold used for predictions.

training_data_assignment_in_progress: bool

Flag describing if training data assignment is in progress.

training_dataset_id: str, optional

The ID of a dataset assigned to the custom model.

training_dataset_version_id: str, optional

The ID of a dataset version assigned to the custom model.

training_data_file_name: str, optional

The name of assigned training data file.

training_data_partition_column: str, optional

The name of a partition column in a training dataset assigned to the custom model.

created_by: str

The username of a user who created the custom model.

updated_at: str

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the custom model was updated

created_at: str

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the custom model was created

network_egress_policy: datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY, optional

Determines whether the given custom model is isolated, or can access the public network. Values: [datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.NONE, datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.PUBLIC].

maximum_memory: int, optional

The maximum memory that might be allocated by the custom-model. If exceeded, the custom-model will be killed by k8s.

replicas: int, optional

A fixed number of replicas that will be deployed in the cluster

is_training_data_for_versions_permanently_enabled: bool, optional

Whether training data assignment on the version level is permanently enabled for the model.

classmethod list(is_deployed=None, search_for=None, order_by=None)

List custom inference models available to the user. :rtype: List[CustomInferenceModel]

Added in version v2.21.

is_deployed: bool, optional

Flag for filtering custom inference models. If set to True, only deployed custom inference models are returned. If set to False, only not deployed custom inference models are returned.

search_for: str, optional

String for filtering custom inference models - only custom inference models that contain the string in name or description will be returned. If not specified, all custom models will be returned

order_by: str, optional

Property to sort custom inference models by. Supported properties are “created” and “updated”. Prefix the attribute name with a dash to sort in descending order, e.g. order_by=’-created’. By default, the order_by parameter is None which will result in custom models being returned in order of creation time descending.


A list of custom inference models.


If the server responded with 4xx status


If the server responded with 5xx status

classmethod get(custom_model_id)

Get custom inference model by id. :rtype: CustomInferenceModel

Added in version v2.21.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom inference model.


Retrieved custom inference model.


The ID the server responded with 4xx status.


The ID the server responded with 5xx status.


Download the latest custom inference model version. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.21.

file_path: str

Path to create a file with custom model version content.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

classmethod create(name, target_type, target_name=None, language=None, description=None, positive_class_label=None, negative_class_label=None, prediction_threshold=None, class_labels=None, class_labels_file=None, network_egress_policy=None, maximum_memory=None, replicas=None, is_training_data_for_versions_permanently_enabled=None)

Create a custom inference model. :rtype: CustomInferenceModel

Added in version v2.21.

name: str

Name of the custom inference model.

target_type: datarobot.TARGET_TYPE

Target type of the custom inference model. Values: [datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.BINARY, datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.REGRESSION, datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.MULTICLASS, datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.UNSTRUCTURED, datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.TEXT_GENERATION]

target_name: str, optional

Target feature name. It is optional(ignored if provided) for datarobot.TARGET_TYPE.UNSTRUCTURED target type.

language: str, optional

Programming language of the custom learning model.

description: str, optional

Description of the custom learning model.

positive_class_label: str, optional

Custom inference model positive class label for binary classification.

negative_class_label: str, optional

Custom inference model negative class label for binary classification.

prediction_threshold: float, optional

Custom inference model prediction threshold.

class_labels: List[str], optional

Custom inference model class labels for multiclass classification. Cannot be used with class_labels_file.

class_labels_file: str, optional

Path to file containing newline separated class labels for multiclass classification. Cannot be used with class_labels.

network_egress_policy: datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY, optional

Determines whether the given custom model is isolated, or can access the public network. Values: [datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.NONE, datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.PUBLIC]

maximum_memory: int, optional

The maximum memory that might be allocated by the custom-model. If exceeded, the custom-model will be killed by k8s.

replicas: int, optional

A fixed number of replicas that will be deployed in the cluster.

is_training_data_for_versions_permanently_enabled: bool, optional

Permanently enable training data assignment on the version level for the current model, instead of training data assignment on the model level.


Created a custom inference model.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

classmethod copy_custom_model(custom_model_id)

Create a custom inference model by copying existing one. :rtype: CustomInferenceModel

Added in version v2.21.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom inference model to copy.


Created a custom inference model.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

update(name=None, language=None, description=None, target_name=None, positive_class_label=None, negative_class_label=None, prediction_threshold=None, class_labels=None, class_labels_file=None, is_training_data_for_versions_permanently_enabled=None)

Update custom inference model properties. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.21.

name: str, optional

New custom inference model name.

language: str, optional

New custom inference model programming language.

description: str, optional

New custom inference model description.

target_name: str, optional

New custom inference model target name.

positive_class_label: str, optional

New custom inference model positive class label.

negative_class_label: str, optional

New custom inference model negative class label.

prediction_threshold: float, optional

New custom inference model prediction threshold.

class_labels: List[str], optional

custom inference model class labels for multiclass classification Cannot be used with class_labels_file

class_labels_file: str, optional

Path to file containing newline separated class labels for multiclass classification. Cannot be used with class_labels

is_training_data_for_versions_permanently_enabled: bool, optional

Permanently enable training data assignment on the version level for the current model, instead of training data assignment on the model level.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


Update custom inference model with the latest data from server. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.21.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


Delete custom inference model. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.21.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

assign_training_data(dataset_id, partition_column=None, max_wait=600)

Assign training data to the custom inference model. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.21.

dataset_id: str

The ID of the training dataset to be assigned.

partition_column: str, optional

The name of a partition column in the training dataset.

max_wait: int, optional

The max time to wait for a training data assignment. If set to None, then method will return without waiting. Defaults to 10 min.


If the server responded with 4xx status


If the server responded with 5xx status

class datarobot.CustomModelTest(**kwargs)

An custom model test.

Added in version v2.21.

id: str

test id

custom_model_image_id: str

id of a custom model image

image_type: str

the type of the image, either CUSTOM_MODEL_IMAGE_TYPE.CUSTOM_MODEL_IMAGE if the testing attempt is using a CustomModelImage as its model or CUSTOM_MODEL_IMAGE_TYPE.CUSTOM_MODEL_VERSION if the testing attempt is using a CustomModelVersion with dependency management

overall_status: str

a string representing testing status. Status can be - ‘not_tested’: the check not run - ‘failed’: the check failed - ‘succeeded’: the check succeeded - ‘warning’: the check resulted in a warning, or in non-critical failure - ‘in_progress’: the check is in progress

detailed_status: dict

detailed testing status - maps the testing types to their status and message. The keys of the dict are one of ‘errorCheck’, ‘nullValueImputation’, ‘longRunningService’, ‘sideEffects’. The values are dict with ‘message’ and ‘status’ keys.

created_by: str

a user who created a test

dataset_id: str, optional

id of a dataset used for testing

dataset_version_id: str, optional

id of a dataset version used for testing

completed_at: str, optional

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the test has completed

created_at: str, optional

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the version was created

network_egress_policy: datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY, optional

Determines whether the given custom model is isolated, or can access the public network. Values: [datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.NONE, datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.PUBLIC].

maximum_memory: int, optional

The maximum memory that might be allocated by the custom-model. If exceeded, the custom-model will be killed by k8s

replicas: int, optional

A fixed number of replicas that will be deployed in the cluster

classmethod create(custom_model_id, custom_model_version_id, dataset_id=None, max_wait=600, network_egress_policy=None, maximum_memory=None, replicas=None)

Create and start a custom model test.

Added in version v2.21.

custom_model_id: str

the id of the custom model

custom_model_version_id: str

the id of the custom model version

dataset_id: str, optional

The id of the testing dataset for non-unstructured custom models. Ignored and not required for unstructured models.

max_wait: int, optional

max time to wait for a test completion. If set to None - method will return without waiting.

network_egress_policy: datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY, optional

Determines whether the given custom model is isolated, or can access the public network. Values: [datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.NONE, datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.PUBLIC].

maximum_memory: int, optional

The maximum memory that might be allocated by the custom-model. If exceeded, the custom-model will be killed by k8s

replicas: int, optional

A fixed number of replicas that will be deployed in the cluster


created custom model test


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

classmethod list(custom_model_id)

List custom model tests.

Added in version v2.21.

custom_model_id: str

the id of the custom model


a list of custom model tests


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

classmethod get(custom_model_test_id)

Get custom model test by id.

Added in version v2.21.

custom_model_test_id: str

the id of the custom model test


retrieved custom model test


if the server responded with 4xx status.


if the server responded with 5xx status.


Get log of a custom model test.

Added in version v2.21.


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status


Get log tail of a custom model test.

Added in version v2.21.


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status


Cancel custom model test that is in progress.

Added in version v2.21.


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status


Update custom model test with the latest data from server.

Added in version v2.21.


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

class datarobot.CustomModelVersion(**kwargs)

A version of a DataRobot custom model.

Added in version v2.21.

id: str

The ID of the custom model version.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.

version_minor: int

A minor version number of the custom model version.

version_major: int

A major version number of the custom model version.

is_frozen: bool

A flag if the custom model version is frozen.

items: List[CustomModelFileItem]

A list of file items attached to the custom model version.

base_environment_id: str

The ID of the environment to use with the model.

base_environment_version_id: str

The ID of the environment version to use with the model.

label: str, optional

A short human readable string to label the version.

description: str, optional

The custom model version description.

created_at: str, optional

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the version was created.

dependencies: List[CustomDependency]

The parsed dependencies of the custom model version if the version has a valid requirements.txt file.

network_egress_policy: datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY, optional

Determines whether the given custom model is isolated, or can access the public network. Values: [datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.NONE, datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.PUBLIC].

maximum_memory: int, optional

The maximum memory that might be allocated by the custom-model. If exceeded, the custom-model will be killed by k8s.

replicas: int, optional

A fixed number of replicas that will be deployed in the cluster.

required_metadata_values: List[RequiredMetadataValue]

Additional parameters required by the execution environment. The required keys are defined by the fieldNames in the base environment’s requiredMetadataKeys.

training_data: TrainingData, optional

The information about the training data assigned to the model version.

holdout_data: HoldoutData, optional

The information about the holdout data assigned to the model version.

classmethod from_server_data(data, keep_attrs=None)

Instantiate an object of this class using the data directly from the server, meaning that the keys may have the wrong camel casing


The directly translated dict of JSON from the server. No casing fixes have taken place


List, set or tuple of the dotted namespace notations for attributes to keep within the object structure even if their values are None

Return type:


classmethod create_clean(custom_model_id, base_environment_id=None, is_major_update=True, folder_path=None, files=None, network_egress_policy=None, maximum_memory=None, replicas=None, required_metadata_values=None, training_dataset_id=None, partition_column=None, holdout_dataset_id=None, keep_training_holdout_data=None, max_wait=600, runtime_parameter_values=None, base_environment_version_id=None)

Create a custom model version without files from previous versions. :rtype: CustomModelVersion

Create a version with training or holdout data: If training/holdout data related parameters are provided, the training data is assigned asynchronously. In this case: * if max_wait is not None, the function returns once the job is finished. * if max_wait is None, the function returns immediately. Progress can be polled by the user (see examples).

If training data assignment fails, new version is still created, but it is not allowed to create a model package (version) for the model version and to deploy it. To check for training data assignment error, check version.training_data.assignment_error[“message”].

Added in version v2.21.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.

base_environment_id: str

The base environment to use with this model version. At least one of “base_environment_id” and “base_environment_version_id” must be provided. If both are specified, the version must belong to the environment.

base_environment_version_id: str

The base environment version ID to use with this model version. At least one of “base_environment_id” and “base_environment_version_id” must be provided. If both are specified, the version must belong to the environment. If not specified: in case previous model versions exist, the value from the latest model version is inherited, otherwise, latest successfully built version of the environment specified in “base_environment_id” is used.

is_major_update: bool, optional

The flag defining if a custom model version will be a minor or a major version. Default to True

folder_path: str, optional

The path to a folder containing files to be uploaded. Each file in the folder is uploaded under path relative to a folder path.

files: list, optional

The list of tuples, where values in each tuple are the local filesystem path and the path the file should be placed in the model. If the list is of strings, then basenames will be used for tuples. Example: [(“/home/user/Documents/myModel/file1.txt”, “file1.txt”), (“/home/user/Documents/myModel/folder/file2.txt”, “folder/file2.txt”)] or [“/home/user/Documents/myModel/file1.txt”, “/home/user/Documents/myModel/folder/file2.txt”]

network_egress_policy: datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY, optional

Determines whether the given custom model is isolated, or can access the public network. Values: [datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.NONE, datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.PUBLIC].

maximum_memory: int, optional

The maximum memory that might be allocated by the custom-model. If exceeded, the custom-model will be killed by k8s.

replicas: int, optional

A fixed number of replicas that will be deployed in the cluster.

required_metadata_values: List[RequiredMetadataValue]

Additional parameters required by the execution environment. The required keys are defined by the fieldNames in the base environment’s requiredMetadataKeys.

training_dataset_id: str, optional

The ID of the training dataset to assign to the custom model.

partition_column: str, optional

Name of a partition column in a training dataset assigned to the custom model. Can only be assigned for structured models.

holdout_dataset_id: str, optional

The ID of the holdout dataset to assign to the custom model. Can only be assigned for unstructured models.

keep_training_holdout_data: bool, optional

If the version should inherit training and holdout data from the previous version. Defaults to True. This field is only applicable if the model has training data for versions enabled, otherwise the field value will be ignored.

max_wait: int, optional

Max time to wait for training data assignment. If set to None - method will return without waiting. Defaults to 10 minutes.

runtime_parameter_values: List[RuntimeParameterValue]

Additional parameters to be injected into a model at runtime. The fieldName must match a fieldName that is listed in the runtimeParameterDefinitions section of the model-metadata.yaml file.


Created custom model version.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


If wrong parameters are provided.


If training data assignment fails.


Create a version with blocking (default max_wait=600) training data assignment:

import datarobot as dr
from datarobot.errors import TrainingDataAssignmentError

dr.Client(token=my_token, endpoint=endpoint)

    version = dr.CustomModelVersion.create_clean(
except TrainingDataAssignmentError as e:

Create a version with non-blocking training data assignment:

import datarobot as dr

dr.Client(token=my_token, endpoint=endpoint)

version = dr.CustomModelVersion.create_clean(

while version.training_data.assignment_in_progress:
if version.training_data.assignment_error:
classmethod create_from_previous(custom_model_id, base_environment_id=None, is_major_update=True, folder_path=None, files=None, files_to_delete=None, network_egress_policy=None, maximum_memory=None, replicas=None, required_metadata_values=None, training_dataset_id=None, partition_column=None, holdout_dataset_id=None, keep_training_holdout_data=None, max_wait=600, runtime_parameter_values=None, base_environment_version_id=None)

Create a custom model version containing files from a previous version. :rtype: CustomModelVersion

Create a version with training/holdout data: If training/holdout data related parameters are provided, the training data is assigned asynchronously. In this case: * if max_wait is not None, function returns once job is finished. * if max_wait is None, function returns immediately, progress can be polled by the user, see examples.

If training data assignment fails, new version is still created, but it is not allowed to create a model package (version) for the model version and to deploy it. To check for training data assignment error, check version.training_data.assignment_error[“message”].

Added in version v2.21.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.

base_environment_id: str

The base environment to use with this model version. At least one of “base_environment_id” and “base_environment_version_id” must be provided. If both are specified, the version must belong to the environment.

base_environment_version_id: str

The base environment version ID to use with this model version. At least one of “base_environment_id” and “base_environment_version_id” must be provided. If both are specified, the version must belong to the environment. If not specified: in case previous model versions exist, the value from the latest model version is inherited, otherwise, latest successfully built version of the environment specified in “base_environment_id” is used.

is_major_update: bool, optional

The flag defining if a custom model version will be a minor or a major version. Defaults to True.

folder_path: str, optional

The path to a folder containing files to be uploaded. Each file in the folder is uploaded under path relative to a folder path.

files: list, optional

The list of tuples, where values in each tuple are the local filesystem path and the path the file should be placed in the model. If list is of strings, then basenames will be used for tuples Example: [(“/home/user/Documents/myModel/file1.txt”, “file1.txt”), (“/home/user/Documents/myModel/folder/file2.txt”, “folder/file2.txt”)] or [“/home/user/Documents/myModel/file1.txt”, “/home/user/Documents/myModel/folder/file2.txt”]

files_to_delete: list, optional

The list of a file items ids to be deleted. Example: [“5ea95f7a4024030aba48e4f9”, “5ea6b5da402403181895cc51”]

network_egress_policy: datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY, optional

Determines whether the given custom model is isolated, or can access the public network. Values: [datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.NONE, datarobot.NETWORK_EGRESS_POLICY.PUBLIC].

maximum_memory: int, optional

The maximum memory that might be allocated by the custom-model. If exceeded, the custom-model will be killed by k8s

replicas: int, optional

A fixed number of replicas that will be deployed in the cluster

required_metadata_values: List[RequiredMetadataValue]

Additional parameters required by the execution environment. The required keys are defined by the fieldNames in the base environment’s requiredMetadataKeys.

training_dataset_id: str, optional

The ID of the training dataset to assign to the custom model.

partition_column: str, optional

Name of a partition column in a training dataset assigned to the custom model. Can only be assigned for structured models.

holdout_dataset_id: str, optional

The ID of the holdout dataset to assign to the custom model. Can only be assigned for unstructured models.

keep_training_holdout_data: bool, optional

If the version should inherit training and holdout data from the previous version. Defaults to True. This field is only applicable if the model has training data for versions enabled, otherwise the field value will be ignored.

max_wait: int, optional

Max time to wait for training data assignment. If set to None - method will return without waiting. Defaults to 10 minutes.

runtime_parameter_values: List[RuntimeParameterValue]

Additional parameters to be injected into the model at runtime. The fieldName must match a fieldName that is listed in the runtimeParameterDefinitions section of the model-metadata.yaml file. This list will be merged with any existing runtime values set from the prior version, so it is possible to specify a null value to unset specific parameters and fall back to the defaultValue from the definition.


created custom model version


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


If wrong parameters are provided.


If training data assignment fails.


Create a version with blocking (default max_wait=600) training data assignment:

import datarobot as dr
from datarobot.errors import TrainingDataAssignmentError

dr.Client(token=my_token, endpoint=endpoint)

    version = dr.CustomModelVersion.create_from_previous(
except TrainingDataAssignmentError as e:

Create a version with non-blocking training data assignment:

import datarobot as dr

dr.Client(token=my_token, endpoint=endpoint)

version = dr.CustomModelVersion.create_from_previous(

while version.training_data.assignment_in_progress:
if version.training_data.assignment_error:
classmethod list(custom_model_id)

List custom model versions. :rtype: List[CustomModelVersion]

Added in version v2.21.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.


A list of custom model versions.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

classmethod get(custom_model_id, custom_model_version_id)

Get custom model version by id. :rtype: CustomModelVersion

Added in version v2.21.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.

custom_model_version_id: str

The id of the custom model version to retrieve.


Retrieved custom model version.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


Download custom model version. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.21.

file_path: str

Path to create a file with custom model version content.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

update(description=None, required_metadata_values=None)

Update custom model version properties. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.21.

description: str, optional

New custom model version description.

required_metadata_values: List[RequiredMetadataValue], optional

Additional parameters required by the execution environment. The required keys are defined by the fieldNames in the base environment’s requiredMetadataKeys.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


Update custom model version with the latest data from server. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.21.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


Get custom model feature impact. :rtype: List[Dict[str, Any]]

Added in version v2.23.


The flag indicating if the result should include the metadata as well.

feature_impactslist of dict

The feature impact data. Each item is a dict with the keys ‘featureName’, ‘impactNormalized’, and ‘impactUnnormalized’, and ‘redundantWith’.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


Calculate custom model feature impact. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.23.

max_wait: int, optional

Max time to wait for feature impact calculation. If set to None - method will return without waiting. Defaults to 10 min


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

class datarobot.models.execution_environment.RequiredMetadataKey(**kwargs)

Definition of a metadata key that custom models using this environment must define

Added in version v2.25.

field_name: str

The required field key. This value will be added as an environment variable when running custom models.

display_name: str

A human readable name for the required field.

class datarobot.models.CustomModelVersionConversion(**kwargs)

A conversion of a DataRobot custom model version.

Added in version v2.27.

id: str

The ID of the custom model version conversion.

custom_model_version_id: str

The ID of the custom model version.

created: str

ISO-8601 timestamp of when the custom model conversion created.

main_program_item_id: str or None

The ID of the main program item.

log_message: str or None

The conversion output log message.

generated_metadata: dict or None

The dict contains two items: ‘outputDataset’ & ‘outputColumns’.

conversion_succeeded: bool

Whether the conversion succeeded or not.

conversion_in_progress: bool

Whether a given conversion is in progress or not.

should_stop: bool

Whether the user asked to stop a conversion.

classmethod run_conversion(custom_model_id, custom_model_version_id, main_program_item_id, max_wait=None)

Initiate a new custom model version conversion.


The associated custom model ID.


The associated custom model version ID.


The selected main program item ID. This should be one of the SAS items in the associated custom model version.

max_wait: int or None

Max wait time in seconds. If None, then don’t wait.


The ID of the newly created conversion entity.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

Return type:


classmethod stop_conversion(custom_model_id, custom_model_version_id, conversion_id)

Stop a conversion that is in progress.


The ID of the associated custom model.


The ID of the associated custom model version.


The ID of a conversion that is in-progress.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

Return type:


classmethod get(custom_model_id, custom_model_version_id, conversion_id)

Get custom model version conversion by id. :rtype: CustomModelVersionConversion

Added in version v2.27.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.

custom_model_version_id: str

The ID of the custom model version.

conversion_id: str

The ID of the conversion to retrieve.


Retrieved custom model version conversion.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

classmethod get_latest(custom_model_id, custom_model_version_id)

Get latest custom model version conversion for a given custom model version. :rtype: Optional[CustomModelVersionConversion]

Added in version v2.27.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.

custom_model_version_id: str

The ID of the custom model version.

CustomModelVersionConversion or None

Retrieved latest conversion for a given custom model version.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

classmethod list(custom_model_id, custom_model_version_id)

Get custom model version conversions list per custom model version. :rtype: List[CustomModelVersionConversion]

Added in version v2.27.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.

custom_model_version_id: str

The ID of the custom model version.


Retrieved conversions for a given custom model version.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

class datarobot.CustomModelVersionDependencyBuild(**kwargs)

Metadata about a DataRobot custom model version’s dependency build

Added in version v2.22.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.

custom_model_version_id: str

The ID of the custom model version.

build_status: str

The status of the custom model version’s dependency build.

started_at: str

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the build was started.

completed_at: str, optional

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the build has completed.

classmethod get_build_info(custom_model_id, custom_model_version_id)

Retrieve information about a custom model version’s dependency build :rtype: CustomModelVersionDependencyBuild

Added in version v2.22.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model.

custom_model_version_id: str

The ID of the custom model version.


The dependency build information.

classmethod start_build(custom_model_id, custom_model_version_id, max_wait=600)

Start the dependency build for a custom model version dependency build :rtype: Optional[CustomModelVersionDependencyBuild]

Added in version v2.22.

custom_model_id: str

The ID of the custom model

custom_model_version_id: str

the ID of the custom model version

max_wait: int, optional

Max time to wait for a build completion. If set to None - method will return without waiting.


Get log of a custom model version dependency build. :rtype: str

Added in version v2.22.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


Cancel custom model version dependency build that is in progress. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.22.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.


Update custom model version dependency build with the latest data from server. :rtype: None

Added in version v2.22.


If the server responded with 4xx status.


If the server responded with 5xx status.

class datarobot.ExecutionEnvironment(**kwargs)

An execution environment entity.

Added in version v2.21.

id: str

the id of the execution environment

name: str

the name of the execution environment

description: str, optional

the description of the execution environment

programming_language: str, optional

the programming language of the execution environment. Can be “python”, “r”, “java” or “other”

is_public: bool, optional

public accessibility of environment, visible only for admin user

created_at: str, optional

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the execution environment version was created

latest_version: ExecutionEnvironmentVersion, optional

the latest version of the execution environment

classmethod create(name, description=None, programming_language=None, required_metadata_keys=None)

Create an execution environment.

Added in version v2.21.

name: str

execution environment name

description: str, optional

execution environment description

programming_language: str, optional

programming language of the environment to be created. Can be “python”, “r”, “java” or “other”. Default value - “other”

required_metadata_keys: List[RequiredMetadataKey]

Definition of a metadata keys that custom models using this environment must define


created execution environment


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

classmethod list(search_for=None)

List execution environments available to the user.

Added in version v2.21.

search_for: str, optional

the string for filtering execution environment - only execution environments that contain the string in name or description will be returned.


a list of execution environments.


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

classmethod get(execution_environment_id)

Get execution environment by it’s id.

Added in version v2.21.

execution_environment_id: str

ID of the execution environment to retrieve


retrieved execution environment


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status


Delete execution environment.

Added in version v2.21.


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

update(name=None, description=None, required_metadata_keys=None)

Update execution environment properties.

Added in version v2.21.

name: str, optional

new execution environment name

description: str, optional

new execution environment description

required_metadata_keys: List[RequiredMetadataKey]

Definition of a metadata keys that custom models using this environment must define


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status


Update execution environment with the latest data from server.

Added in version v2.21.


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

class datarobot.ExecutionEnvironmentVersion(**kwargs)

A version of a DataRobot execution environment.

Added in version v2.21.

id: str

the id of the execution environment version

environment_id: str

the id of the execution environment the version belongs to

build_status: str

the status of the execution environment version build

label: str, optional

the label of the execution environment version

description: str, optional

the description of the execution environment version

created_at: str, optional

ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of when the execution environment version was created

docker_context_size: int, optional

The size of the uploaded Docker context in bytes if available or None if not

docker_image_size: int, optional

The size of the built Docker image in bytes if available or None if not

classmethod create(execution_environment_id, docker_context_path, label=None, description=None, max_wait=600)

Create an execution environment version.

Added in version v2.21.

execution_environment_id: str

the id of the execution environment

docker_context_path: str

the path to a docker context archive or folder

label: str, optional

short human readable string to label the version

description: str, optional

execution environment version description

max_wait: int, optional

max time to wait for a final build status (“success” or “failed”). If set to None - method will return without waiting.


created execution environment version


if version did not reach final state during timeout seconds


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

classmethod list(execution_environment_id, build_status=None)

List execution environment versions available to the user.

Added in version v2.21.

execution_environment_id: str

the id of the execution environment

build_status: str, optional

build status of the execution environment version to filter by. See datarobot.enums.EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION_BUILD_STATUS for valid options


a list of execution environment versions.


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

classmethod get(execution_environment_id, version_id)

Get execution environment version by id.

Added in version v2.21.

execution_environment_id: str

the id of the execution environment

version_id: str

the id of the execution environment version to retrieve


retrieved execution environment version


if the server responded with 4xx status.


if the server responded with 5xx status.


Download execution environment version.

Added in version v2.21.

file_path: str

path to create a file with execution environment version content


retrieved execution environment version


if the server responded with 4xx status.


if the server responded with 5xx status.


Get execution environment version build log and error.

Added in version v2.21.

Tuple[str, str]

retrieved execution environment version build log and error. If there is no build error - None is returned.


if the server responded with 4xx status.


if the server responded with 5xx status.


Update execution environment version with the latest data from server.

Added in version v2.21.


if the server responded with 4xx status


if the server responded with 5xx status

class datarobot.models.custom_model_version.HoldoutData(dataset_id=None, dataset_version_id=None, dataset_name=None, partition_column=None)

Holdout data assigned to a DataRobot custom model version.

Added in version v3.2.

dataset_id: str

The ID of the dataset.

dataset_version_id: str

The ID of the dataset version.

dataset_name: str

The name of the dataset.

partition_column: str

The name of the partitions column.

class datarobot.models.custom_model_version.TrainingData(dataset_id=None, dataset_version_id=None, dataset_name=None, assignment_in_progress=None, assignment_error=None)

Training data assigned to a DataRobot custom model version.

Added in version v3.2.

dataset_id: str

The ID of the dataset.

dataset_version_id: str

The ID of the dataset version.

dataset_name: str

The name of the dataset.

assignment_in_progress: bool

The status of the assignment in progress.

assignment_error: dict

The assignment error message.

class datarobot.models.custom_model_version.RuntimeParameter(**kwargs)
Definition of a runtime parameter used for the custom model version, it includes

the override value if provided.

Added in version v3.4.0.

field_name: str

The runtime parameter name. This value is added as an environment variable when running custom models.

type: str

The value type accepted by the runtime parameter.

description: str

Describes how the runtime parameter impacts the running model.

allow_empty: bool

Indicates if the runtime parameter must be set before registration.

min_value: float

The minimum value for a numeric field.

max_value: float

The maximum value for a numeric field.

default_value: str, bool, float or None

The default value for the given field.

override_value: str, bool, float or None

The value set by the user that overrides the default set in the runtime parameter definition.

current_value: str, bool, float or None

After the default and the override values are applied, this is the value of the runtime parameter.

credential_type: str

Describes the type of credential, used only for credentials parameters.

class datarobot.models.custom_model_version.RuntimeParameterValue(**kwargs)

The definition of a runtime parameter value used for the custom model version, this defines the runtime parameter override.

Added in version v3.4.0.

field_name: str

The runtime parameter name. This value is added as an environment variable when running custom models.

type: str

The value type accepted by the runtime parameter.

value: str, bool or float

After the default and the override values are applied, this is the value of the runtime parameter.