
Once you have created entities in DataRobot, you may want to share them with collaborators. DataRobot provides an API for sharing the following entities:

  • Data Sources and Data Stores ( see Database Connectivity for more info on connecting to JDBC databases)

  • Datasets

  • Projects

  • Calendar Files

  • Model Deployments (see Deployment Sharing for more information on sharing deployments)

  • Use Cases (Sharing for Use Cases is slightly different than what’s documented on this page. See Use Case Sharing for more information and examples.)

Access Levels

Entities can be shared at varying access levels. For example, you can allow someone to create projects from a data source you have built without letting them delete it.

Each entity type uses slightly different permission names intended to convey more specifically what kind of actions are available, and these roles fall into three categories. These generic role names can be used in the sharing API for any entity.

For the complete set of actions granted by each role on a given entity, please see the user documentation in the web application.


    • used for all entities

    • allows any action including deletion


    • known as as EDITOR on data sources and data stores

    • allows modifications to the state, e.g. renaming and creating data sources from a data store, but not deleting the entity


    • known as CONSUMER on data sources and data stores

    • for data sources, enables creating projects and predictions; for data stores, allows viewing them only.

Finally, when a user’s new role is specified as None, their access will be revoked.

In addition to the role, some entities (currently only data sources and data stores) allow separate control over whether a new user should be able to share that entity further. When granting access to a user, the can_share parameter determines whether that user can, in turn, share this entity with another user. When this parameter is specified as false, the user in question will have all the access to the entity granted by their role and be able to remove themselves if desired, but be unable to change the role of any other user.


Transfer access to the data source from to

import datarobot as dr

new_access = dr.SharingAccess(
   "[email protected]",
access_list = [dr.SharingAccess("[email protected]", None), new_access]


Checking access to a project

import datarobot as dr

project = dr.Project.create('mydata.csv', project_name='My Data')

access_list = project.get_access_list()


Transfer ownership of all projects owned by your account to without sending notifications.

import datarobot as dr

# Put path to YAML credentials below
dr.Client(config_path= '.yaml')

# Get all projects for your account and store the ids in a list
projects = dr.Project.list()

project_ids = [ for project in projects]

# List of emails to share with
share_targets = ['[email protected]']

# Target role
target_role = dr.enums.SHARING_ROLE.OWNER

for pid in project_ids:

   project = dr.Project.get(project_id=pid)

   shares = []

   for user in share_targets:

      shares.append(dr.SharingAccess(username=user, role=target_role))

   project.share(shares, send_notification=False)